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'Is this the end?'

I asked myself as my gaze took in the sights of the extravagant golden and silver hall, wondering why such a bright and unfitting hall would be used for the judgment and executions of some of the most heinous criminals.

As my eyes continued to trace the room I noticed quite a few familiar faces, some were old friends or enemies, and some were just passing acquaintances whom I didn't know too well, but as I watched them I noticed a common emotion among their expressions as they shuffled uneasily at my gaze.

'They're afraid of me.'

I couldn't say I didn't expect them to react in such a way but I still felt a slight disappointment as I watched the people who I had supported from a young age eye me with such uneasiness along with eagerness for my judgment.

As I finished my analysis of my surroundings I turned my line of sight from the spectators to the black mythril chains that bound my bleeding limbs while also absorbing my mana at a rate that far exceeded my recovery.

'If they really wanted me to suffer they could just leave me in these for a few weeks until I run out of mana and die of Mana Deprivation, but she won't do that.'

At that thought I raised my head and locked eyes with the one person who's gaze I had been avoiding, perhaps fearing that they too would look at me with fear and hatred for my actions. And while they logically should have hated me for my betrayal, but I myself knew even before meeting their silver eyes that my situation was more painful and unbearable to them than it was to me, that if my life long plan succeeded and I was finally given my desired death, that they'd be condemned to a hellish world where they killed the last person they'd ever cared about, the last person they'd ever loved.

I wanted to simultaneously laugh and cry as I watched the once lively and determined Empress as she looked at me with such intense sorrow and self hate that they seemed to border on insanity. Her once beautiful silver eyes now took on a shade of dark gray and her once healthy pale skin now took on a sickly color showing her lack of self care in her recent days.

And finally after what seemed like years passed she parted her cracked lips and spoke in a voice that was more pleading than any beg more mercy that I'd heard.

"Alex you regret your actions?"

Hearing her words I couldn't help but grit my teeth at the words that were far replaced from all normal interrogative questions, and more of a grasp at the already dissipated hope within her fragile heart. It was as if she was looking for an excuse to abandon her station as an Empress and to condemn herself to both the present ministers as well as the public, all with the thought that if she couldn't save me she'd at least like to die with me.

'But I can't allow that.'

As a few seconds passed in the hall I just turned my eyes to the floor, unable to look at the Empress as I gave a short but cold hearted response.


And although the word was short, lasting less than a second, they seemed to echo in the silence as the last bit of hope in her eyes dulled over and her hands which were once clutching the throne with anxiousness lost all strength. Finally, as if she couldn't bear my existence any longer, she made her judgment without consulting any ministers, speaking in a tone more firm than any she had used since my disappearance.

"I, the one hundred and 26th Empress of the Holy Eden Empire, Silvia Alta' Grace, hereby declare that the 8th Hero, Alexander Crown, is guilty of Mass Genocide against all intelligent races! His execution is to be carried out immediately!"

And as he words ended she gave a nod to a white haired knight positioned behind me and I felt a stinging sensation just above my collar bone signifying my swift decapitation.

And as my vision blurred I watched something I had never expected happen, I watched as Silvia bit through her own tongue while simultaneously preventing her bodily regeneration to kill herself.


I thought tiredly as my head slowly started to fall.

Even after I had become the No.1 enemy of the world there were still four people who never turned their backs on me, and now, with her killing herself, I could confidently say that I caused the deaths of at least three.

As my head hit the floor I was able to get a glance at my white haired executioner as she dully looked at both my headless body and the body of the Empress as she slowly bled out.

'Make that all four.'

I thought to myself as I watched her decapitate herself with dulled emotions.

'Well, would it be selfish of me... to ask for a third chance?'

I asked myself as I once again drowned in the cold embrace of death, this time feeling slightly more regretful at my death despite my overwhelming accomplishments. And as I was on the brink of losing consciousness I came to the realization that there wasn't any point in helping a world, when in the process of helping it I killed off everyone who I wanted to enjoy it.

'Next time I'll just live in peace... yes, peace.'

And then, I lost consciousness.


"Congratulations Mr and Mrs. Leywin for the birth of healthy twins!"


This is a book that's going to be written by my whims while writing without any proper planning like any of my other fics.

So if you have a decent idea just comment on it and I might include it in the fic.

~998 words

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