Chapter 20 | Unusual Lunch

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{Arthur POV}

"It's almost our turn!"

I heard Elijah mutter in excitement as the Club Fest announcements started to come to a close.

'He seems unusually excited...'

I heard my daughter mutter through our bond, as she continued to lazily lay on Grawder's head.

'He seems a little too enthusiastic about the whole projecting weaker students thing. I mean, even Claire isn't that excited about it, and she was originally supposed to be the leader.'

My daughter turned her gaze to the red headed swordsman and scoffed.

'Maybe her mind is preoccupied by something, or rather 'someone' else...'

I shrugged, obvious to who said someone could be as I responded plainly.



"And now that all the rules of the Club Fest have been stated, I'd like to formally introduce a newly formed committee whose members were not only hand-picked by the director herself, but are also some of our school's strongest students!"

Tessia paused for effect as she silently signaled for us to walk on to the stage.

"I'd like you all to give a grand welcome to the Xyrus Academy Disciplinary Committee!"

Following Tessia's grand announcement she stepped down from the podium and we exited from behind the curtains in a grand fashion with the intent of drawing the attention of all the students.

'Hm? The applause is greater than expected.'

I didn't physically react to my daughter's words because of the attention on me, but gave the mental equivalent of a nod as I turned my gaze to Tessia.

'It's likely because of her charisma. Although I still don't particularly like her, I have to admit that her ability in crowd control is almost unmatched.'

'Whoa, papa actually complemented someone~ I'm sure if Jasmine knew she'd die of jealousy~'

My eyebrow twitched as I heard Jasmine's name, as I remembered the stunt she pulled this morning when she noticed I was missing from my room.

'She needs to learn some self control...'


Once the student council had fully cleared the stage, Elijah stepped up to the podium with a smile as he began his speech.

"Hello students of Xyrus Academy! My name is Elijah Knight and I have been given the honor of Leading the newly formed Disciplinary Committee!

Our group will be responsible for the safety and wellbeing of our..."

Hearing Elijah begin his generic speech I started to drown out his voice as my eyes wandered through the members of the student body.

'Is it just me, or do the humans look slightly irritated?'

'No, not the humans, but the human nobles, particularly the high ranking ones. They're probably mad that someone from Darv got selected to be DC's leader when both of the human royals are in the committee.'

Hearing Sylvie's words, I started looking closer at the students and noticed that many of the angry one's were wearing more expensive items like necklaces, rings, and other items only worn by my nobility.

'It seems you're right. I just hope this doesn't evolve into anything troublesome since I'll probably be forced to deal with it.'


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