Chapter 19 | The Disaplinary Committee

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{Arthur POV}

"I can't believe that she was able to have this made and enchanted in just a few days."

I mumbled aloud as I looked at my reflection in one of the larger bathroom mirrors.

Currently, I was wearing a plain black collared t-shirt that had the Xyrus Academy logo stitched over the left chest area, and flexible black pants that had small gold designs embroidered along the pant legs.

'They did better than I expected.'

Since I was given the choice to alter my uniform, I decided to use the opportunity in full and asked for a uniform that's simple but comfortable, so I didn't have to change before training. And after just a few days, two boxes full of uniforms were delivered to my room, along with a communication artifact in the form of an earring that could be used to communicate with the rest of the DC members.

The earring was shaped like a small black cross, and when I asked her about the design, she just told me that she thought it suited my look.

'The earring has a good contrast with the color of your hair and does a good job of complimenting your whole apathetic vibe... who knew the director had good fashion sense.'

'The two hundred year old hag knows how to dress... shocking.'

Hearing my daughter's compliments, I just rolled my eyes as I finished drying my hair and exited the bathroom.

'Oh~ Look who's still asleep~'

After I exited the room, Sylvie changed back into her fox form and followed after me, and after seeing Jasmine still passed out on the bed she opted to mentally insult her as she jumped up onto my shoulder.

'Give her a break. She's been getting way too little sleep recently because of the fact that she had to hide from Athena and my parents, and considering the fact that Athena falls asleep late and my dad wakes up early she's only been getting a few hours of sleep a night.'


Once I finished making sure I had everything I needed, I made sure to write a small note for Jasmine once she woke up before finally leaving my dorm as I looked at a pocket watch I had with me.

'6:46, I have fourteen minutes to grab some food before I have to meet the rest of the disciplinary committee...'


'I hate school.'


'So this is it.'

After grabbing a small breakfast and some coffee at one of the campus's cafes, we finally arrived at the room labeled 'The Disciplinary Committee Headquarters' just a few minutes before seven.

'Judging by the noise, it seems like most of the members have already arrived~'

'Great. Now I get to be the person who awkwardly arrives at the last minute and draws everyone's attention.'

Hearing my comment I could feel my daughter's amusement leak into me through our bond as she said.

'I'm fairly certain that you would've drawn attention regardless, but you're welcome to have your own hypothesis...'


I mumbled in a dissatisfied manner as I finally pushed open the annoyingly large double doors.


'What the hell...'

Once the doors were fully open, we were greeted by the sight of a carriage sized lion growling at us with a playful glint in its eyes.

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