Chapter 10 | Plan and Princess

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{Arthur's POV}


After reuniting with Sylvie just a few kilometers away from the gate, I put on a pure white mask that, along with my white hair and golden eyes, made me almost unrecognizable from when I used illusions to change my hair and eyes back to their original colors.

As Jasmine and I approached the gate, a single guard who I assumed to be a low rank adventurer took note of us and blocked the gate with a spear as he asked for our Adventurers Cards.

Without a second thought I pulled out a pure gold card that represented my status as an AA-rank adventurer, and Jasmine pulled out a much fancier card that looked like it was made up of a combination of platinum and mythril, which represented her status as the sole S-rank adventurer.

Seeing my card alone his face morphed into a look of shock, but when he saw Jasmine's card he froze before taking a good look at Jasmine's face.

"I've confirmed your identities, can I ask where you're going?"

"Xyrus City."

"Alright, please feel free to pass through!"

Despite the fact that Jasmine rarely appeared in the adventurer's guild, her appearance was fairly well known. So, as soon as the guard confirmed Jasmine's identity he immediately broke into a nervous sweat and activated the portal.

'Why is everyone so scared of her?'

'Knowing her she might've killed or maimed a few young adventures because she was having a bad day.'

'Probably not, although it's very likely that she's got rumors going around about her ruthlessness after she raided Shadelass Pass.'

'You mean when she physically and psychologically tortured a group of mana beasts to lure out the dungeon boss?'

'That's the one.'

As we put away our cards I looked over to see Jasmine as she acted completely oblivious to the young adventure's fear, and walked through the portal ahead of me.

'Well it doesn't matter as long as she doesn't mind.'

'Ya, I mean she's always been a bit of a heartless bitc-.'


'No swearing.'

She didn't get a chance to finish her sentence as I flicked the forehead of her fox form and rebuked her mentally, to which she only stuck her tongue out and she hopped from my shoulder to my head.


'I'll just deal with this later.'


After arriving in Xyrus we decided to stop at the adventurers guild before meeting my parents to sell all of the high ranked monster corpses, while I also took the chance to stop at a few clothing stores on the way.

"Why are we wasting so much time shopping when you haven't seen your parents in more than seven years?"

'Ya, I'm with Miss Heartless here, care to explain why?'

"I'm sure we all know that as soon as I reunite with my parents, my days as an adventurer will be over. However it's also possible to work around that restriction if they never learn that I'm an adventurer in the first place if I'm able to cover up my disappearances with a good enough excuse."

Both Jasmine and Sylvie took a second to process my words before Jasmine spoke up.

"You're planning on lying to them?"

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