Chapter 14 | Incident 

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{Arthur POV}

'So she still has her crest but none of her memories, interesting... I'll have to look to see if there are any others.'

Although I didn't show it outwardly, the presence of someone from my last life was fairly surprising.

'Was there any reincarnations in my past life?'

It was a possibility that I had never considered, but now, looking back on how things played out. There's a pretty large possibility that someone was controlling things from behind the scenes, and even manipulating my actions.


'Whatever... I have to deal with this first.'

Turning my attention back to the situation in front of me, I couldn't help but be annoyed at how these stuck up noble's tried to pin the blame on us to save their own asses.

'No matter what world, nobles always have the amazing ability to spout bullshit wherever they go.'

Despite the fact that I expected the nobles to shift the blame, what really surprised me was the fact that the prince actually believed them and turned to us with an angry face.

"Is that true? Did you really attack them because of the fact that they are students of Xyrus Academy?"

Hearing how easily the prince fell for their lie, I noticed some of the individuals in the bullying group developed wide grins, probably happy about the fact Athena was being blamed for a fight they started.


"What a pathetic prince..."

I muttered in a not so conspicuous manner before turning towards my sister.

"Anyway, Athena, let's go take this kid to get some treatment before heading to the announcement."

"Did he just..."

Seeing me so brazenly calling the only prince of an entire country pathetic and then just ignoring his presence, made everyone, even Athena and the prince himself look at me like I was crazy.


Hearing an unnecessarily loud shout from right behind the prince, I saw a dark haired man who looked to be in his mid thirties walking towards me with a furious expression, before reaching out at me with a mana reinforced hand to try and intimidate me.

'What an idiot'

"How dare you take to the prince like tha-"


Just as his hand was about ten cm away from my shoulder, his entire body froze for just a moment, before being launched into the nearest wall at a speed I could barely comprehend.


I called out the name of the black haired woman who's now standing in the place where the guard used to be, simultaneously resisting my overwhelming urge to facepalm.


Hearing her name being called, she turned around to look at me with an innocent expression, seemingly expecting to be praised for her heroic actions.

"Although bad mouthing a prince isn't a crime, killing the prince's bodyguard most certainly is."

Jasmine then shifted her gaze back to the bodyguard who was now indented into a wall with a wronged expression, and whispered.

"I didn't even hit him that hard."

This sentence really did cause me to facepalm as I started to remember the absurdly inhuman strength that she possessed because of her beast core integration, and how she had little to no self restraint when dealing with things deemed enemies.

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