Chapter 15 | Xyrus's Prelude

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{Timeskip - Two Months}

{Charlotte POV}

'When will these idiots ever shut up?'

Ever since the announcement a few months ago, both me and Varay were each given a seat at the council since both of us refused to serve the council which was made up of people that were weaker than us.

At first when we heard about the council's creation, we were just going to avoid all involvement with the greedy bastards, but because of the fact that we were stronger than they're collective power they made us accept the position or else they'd make our daily lives difficult.

"Has anyone found the location of Jasmine Flamsworth?"


Finally, amongst all the bullshit that they were spouting, a matter of interest finally came up causing not just me, but also all the other royals to perk up as they waited for any new information.

"Actually, my daughter and son ran into her in Xyrus just before the announcement."

The one who spoke up was Percillia, drawing the attention of all the others at the table as she continued.

"Apparently there was some incident of bullying where multiple high ranking nobles were beating another student, but were stopped before anything too serious happened by a commoner."

Dawsid smirked.

"So some noble's got beat up by a commoner, what does that have to do with Jasmine?"

Percillia's practiced smile twitched at his clear disrespect, but she decided to just ignore him and continued her story.

"After nobles were thoroughly beaten by the commoner, my children happened to stumble upon the commotion and Curtis ended up being tricked by the nobles who tried to shift the blame onto the commoner."

At this point in the story, I could see Blaine's eye twitching in mild annoyance at her shaming their son, but Percillia ignored him and continued.

"After my son was tricked by the nobles, another commoner who was related to the one getting framed. Insulted my son, causing their guard to try and discipline him."

I raised an eyebrow.


She nodded.

"Before the guard was able to do anything, Jasmine appeared and threw the guard into a nearby wall, breaking almost a third of the bones in his body."

By now I could see Blaine looking at his wife in more than mild anger as he asked.

"So do we know her location or not?"

Percillia glared at her husband causing him to back off, before answering his question.

"According to what Kathlyn said, it's highly likely that Jasmine is still with the commoner who she protected. Because although Jasmine herself said she was just passing by, my daughter thinks that she was way too obedient to the commoner for them to just be passing acquaintances."

Noticing a chance to escape this pointless meeting, I stood up from my seat and spoke in my usual apathetic tone.

"Tell me the name of the boy and I'll go check if it's true."

I could see that my actions annoyed the rest of the council members, but I didn't really care what they thought of me as I continued to stare at the human Queen.


"That's not possible."

I glared at her.


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