Chapter 4

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I spent a few days with Billy and Jacob at their house. Apparently, on the days that I was with them, Sam and Paul had to sleep on the couch because Emily and Rachel were mad at them. There was a bond fire at the end of the few days, pack only and Billy shared the story of how our treaty came to be. From their people starving in the winter to a beached merman. How they saved him even though they could have killed and eaten him. In return, the merman flushed a school of fish, with the help of the sea animals, onto the beach for the tribe. How from that point on, the Lunar Pod made sure that there was plenty of food for the tribe by sea and kept the dangerous marine life away as best as possible. The tribe has let the women use the secret water cave to birth their young and has kept the pod's secret even from the vampires. 

"... we still have much to learn about and from each other," Billy concludes his story, "Ethne's people have many gifts, but we have never asked about them as they have not asked about ours. Since Ethne has shared her secrets, we should be willing to share ours when or if she asked. We also understand the importance of the mate bond and will gladly help."

As weeks passed, I helped Billy write a few things down for the council and Sam about my people, and Billy told me the stories of his tribe. Bella has been over with Jacob since Victoria has been around more. The best part was that she thought I was Jacob's cousin and I only knew about the tribe's secret. Little did she know. I did want to throw her into the deepest part of the ocean when she broke Jacob's heart, going to save her dead boyfriend. Till I learned that she was not Jacob's imprint.  Then I wanted to throw him into the ocean.  The Cullens had returned when Bella was gone in Itlay.

The pack was at the beach near the moon pool one day. It was cool and during school hours so no one was there, so I decided to change back into my tail. Emily, Rachel, and Kim, who was Jared's imprint, loved my purplish and blueish tail. The guys were shocked to see me, all but Sam, "Come on, Leah, show the boys who boss," I yelled from my spot on a rock in the water. We had bonded after she told me what happened between her and Sam, "Come on, Jared, this is football, not a sand-eating time," I giggled as he face-planted.

"Yeah," he stops to spit out the sand, "I would like to see you try."

"Maybe I w-"

Something pulled me off the rock into the water and started swimming away with me. Not away with me but in circles in the cove. The arms around me suddenly dropped me. I surface to find myself in the deeper part of the cove, closer to the full ocean. Sam and Jared yell at the others as Paul swims out to me. I looked around to see who was there. Then I am flying in the air as a laugh comes from the person who has me. A laugh that I know well.

Knowing who it is, once he lets go, I dash to the shore, grabbing Paul on the way, making him scream out, "Ethne," Sam calls out. I pop up in waist-deep water, "Jared, help me grab her a-"

"I'm fine. It's safe," I cut him off, "It's a friend. How he found me, I have no idea, but he won't hurt me,"  a blonde-haired, blue-eyed merman pops up next to me, "Guys, this is Erik from the Mako Pod. Erik, this is Sam, the alpha of the Quileute tribe and shifter pack."

"Hello," Erik gives them all a short wave, "Sorry about that. I was so happy and relieved to see Ethne again. My pod alpha Sirena asked me to come and lend a hand when the news reached us."

"That is understandable," Emily joins Sam at the water's edge, "Would you like to go ashore? You are welcome to."

"No, thank you. I came to deliver news of the hunt. Before returning," Erik turns to me, "Titus has been attempting to enter the pod's territory. There seem to be two other males with him," Erik places his right hand on my back, "Your father doesn't seem to think that they will have this done before your 18 birthmoon."

"What am I going to do," I blink, trying to hold back the tears, "How am I go-"

"If it gets under two months, I am to go back and fetch Sirena to come and help you with the rights. If we don't have Titus by then."

I just nod, "I'm going to the cave."

Leaving them behind, I go to the moon pool.

Third pov

They all watch as the girl who has become a friend and family leaves them crying, "What is this right," Rachel asks.

"I don't even know," Erik states, "It is something that Mermaids do on their 18 birthmoon or birthday. Normally the alpha female of their pod would do it, but Ethne has been doing it since her mom died."

"Can't Ethne do it herself," Jared asks.

"No, a mermaid can't do it for themselves. My pod alpha female will come to help if needed," Erik finished before looking behind him, "I will stay only tonight and return to the Lunar Pod. Could you tell me where this cave is."

"Around the bend to the right. I think the entrance is near the sea floor," Sam answers, "Stay as long as Ethne needs you. I don't think I have to warn you about what will happen if you hurt her."

"No, all good here, mate. Besides, my pod would kill me."

The pack stayed at the beach till night fell. Paul stayed to watch the cave land entrance to keep an eye on Ethne. Jacob took over at midnight and Leah at four in the morning. She was the one who saw Ethne exit the cave at sunrise and walked her back to the pack house.

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