Chapter 10

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Ethne POV

I decided to stay with the Cullens for a while. I couldn't go to the Res yet. Rosalie and Alice helped me when I needed to bathe or change, and Emmett and Jasper tried to take my mind off my injuries by teaching me to play video games.  Esme enjoyed making me food just like Emily does. Carlisle kept an eye on my wounds and would ask me questions to add to his book about merpeople.  He took a lot of notes about my teeth once they had seen them lengthened after the whole thing of Titus.

No one pushed me to talk or did anything to make me want to leave. After about a week, Seth came with Paul to pick me up and visit the pack, "Ethne!"

Jasper helped me walk down the steps to where Seth was, "Thank you, Jasper," I gave him a side hug before letting Seth pull me into a hug. 

"Take it easy," Paul snaps at him. Pulling me away gently before taking me into his own arms, "Emily, Kim, and Rachel can't wait to see you."

I waved goodbye to my host as we loaded up and headed to the Res. Seth was chatting away, and Paul let me rest my head on his shoulder. I must have fallen asleep because before you know it, the familiar whoop is being let out as all the guys come pouring out of the house, "Give her some room to breathe," Emily sasses as she nudges the guys back.  Seth jumps out before helping me out.

"Hey," I whisper, pulling Emily into a hug, "Do I smell..."

"Yep, just came out of the oven," Kim pipes up from under Jared's arm.

I was not allowed to help with anything. I watched as all the guys tried to keep me busy with a card game after lunch. We spent the afternoon and evening playing board games, talking, and movies. By the time most of the Pack was going home, I was spent.   Sam helped me walk to my room, and Emily drew me a bath. 

This next week passed with me doing pretty much the same thing.  But then I remembered that Carlisle still needed to check over my bandages, but he had not come yet. I decided to dial Alice's number. Of course, my phone rings first since it is Alice, "Hello Alice, is Carlisle. He said that he needed to check my bandages after a few days, and it has been a week."

"He got caught up with work. Have one of the guys drive you to the border, and Jasper will pick you up."

"Great, I will tell them."

Let's just say the next month was nuts. Bella and Edward had returned from their honeymoon, and she was with child. Having found out about this, Rosalie didn't want me to return to the Pack, scared of what they would do if they found out I knew. Alice had already called Emily and told her that Carlisle needed me to stay at the house because of my feet. Which was only half a lie since my feet did need some help with healing. Paul and Seth would call once a week to check on me till they found out about the baby. 

I still don't understand why they wanted to kill the baby. But the fight was fun to watch with Rosalie and Renesmee from the second level of the house. The only thing now was the concern that Renesmee was growing too quickly. No one had heard of a hybrid before, and they didn't know if this was normal or that she was going to die early. This stressed everyone out as Jacob imprinted on her and Sam stepped down as the pack Alpha. Making Renesmee the Alpha Female. So, the Pack might lose its female leader. 

One day, when Bella was out with Nessi and Jacob, Edward and Carlisle were looking through every book they could to find an answer to what was going to happen to the newest Cullen. I walked into the study right as a book flew through the doorway past my head, "AHH!"

Jasper and Emmett are by my side before I can blink, "Are you alright," Jasper asks. We have become close, like a brother and sister.

"Sorry," Edward sighed, putting his head into his hand.

"I might have a way to help if things go south," I state yet question at the same time. Some phrases still confuse me. Jasper nods, telling me I got it right.

"Have you heard of this before," Carlisle asks.

"No, but I might be able to help," I step toward Edward, "I can not guarantee that this will work. But with the Moon Pool, I might be able to turn Nessi into a mermaid. She would not age, but outside forces could still kill her. IF it works."  

"Has this happened before," Edward asks, looking at me.

"A human has been turned into a mermaid before. She ended up asking to be turned back she accidentally was turned in the first place," I pull out my phone, "I would need to phone the Mako Pod."

"Would you like some privacy to call," Jasper asks. 

"No, it is fine," I dial Zac's number since it was his girlfriend that was turned.


"Hey Zac, this is Ethne. I have a few questions about your girlfriend."

"Sure, what is it?"

"When she was turned, what powers did she get?"

"The standard ones. She was a little slower than the girls, but I think she was not use to the tail. Seafood cravings went through the roof, too."

"Was the moon special or just a normal full moon?"

"Just a normal one I think. Why? Is everything okay, we haven't heard from you si-"

"Everything is fine. I was just working on the book that Rita has started and wanted to add it."

"Okay, tell everyone that we say hello."

"Will do."

Having a game plan in case everything went wrong would help everyone relax and enjoy their time with Nessi. Heading downstairs, we enter the living room just as Alice drops a vace, and Bella, along with Jacob and Nessi, returns," Irina," Alice whispers as everyone gathers around, "She is going to the Volturi."

"She saw Nessi," Bella explains.

"The Volturi will come. They want Edward and Alice, which gives them a chance to eliminate the rest of us," Carlisle sighs, "They will believe she is an Immortal Child."

"You all need to hunt then," I state, "If they are going to come, you need to be prepared."

Jacob takes Nessi with him back to Pack so that I don't have to watch her as the Cullens go out to hunt.  At about three in the morning, I am downstairs getting a late-night snack of crabs and shrimp when Alice and Jasper return, "Hey, how was the hunt?"

Jasper nods to Alice. She heads upstairs, "Alice and I are leaving," he states. I don't say anything and listen, "she has seen something and said that we need to leave, but you have to stay here and help."

I stare at him, "I know that you can feel my fear and hurt," I start off, "I also know that you can feel my love for this family. If you need to go, then go, and I will always welcome you back with open arms."

Alice repairs with two notes in her hand, "Promise that you won't read these till after the rest get back in the morning."

"I promise."

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