Chapter 15

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One Month later

I wave goodbye to the pack and the Cullens as the car pulls away from the drive. Felix, Jane, and Alec are in the car with me. Marcus had to return a week ago as 'The Vampire world will want to know why one of the leaders was away for so long' as Aro put it. In return, Felix had been sent in place as Jane and Alec were already with Marcus and me. 

It took a few days to get the Volturi kings to understand why I could not leave straight away from the Forks. I had to explain what I was and the physical needs that my body needed to prepare. Let's say the Cullens have a saltwater swimming pool underground now. I still can't believe that it was built in three days. 

"Mistress, Mistress," Felix's voice pulls me from my thoughts, "Are you alright?"

My health was a major concern to them, as I soon came to learn after they found me dancing in the rain with Erik, Alice, and Jasper. They had dragged me inside and fussed over me till I had to yell at them that I was fine and to leave me alone. Erik was laughing the whole time.  He was staying as Leah was his mate. He would make visits to Mako and his pod but was staying in Forks. 

"I'm fine," I sigh, leaning my head on the window, "Just a little nervous. I have never flown before."

"Alec can put you to sleep if you wish," Jane suggests from her seat up front.

"No, I will have to fly again at some point. I might as well do it now."

"Do you need to stop and eat before we fly?" Alec asks. "We forget human eating schedules and have no idea how often or how much your kind eats."

"Alec," Jane hisses, "You never comment on how much a woman eats."

"I think it is a great complement to say a woman eats well. It means her mate has provided well for her," Felix pokes at the twins and they go at it.

I sit back and listen to the twins argue the rest of the way to the plane. Of course, the plane is being flown by someone that the Volturi trust or threatened by the stories that I heard before meeting them.  Felix sits across from me and the twins on the other side of the plane. When we took off from Settle, it was late afternoon. Alec and Jane play chess to pass the time and Felix listens to music. I was watching a movie before falling asleep.

 When I came to we had already refueled and were over the ocean. I picked at the few snacks that they had on board before going back to sleep on the now laid-back chair. The ride was smooth till the very end as the rain had moved in, so I had what I believed to be a death grip on Felix's hand. I darted off the plane as soon as the door was open and the only way that they could keep the umbrella over my head was because they are vampires.

After taking in a few breaths of air, they led me over to a waiting SUV that had the darkest tinted windows that I had ever seen. "Demetri," Felix greeted our driver as he took the front seat after I had settled.

"Are any places that are open with this w-" Jane is cut off.

"The Masters told me to bring Mistress Ethne straight to them. A problem arrived about a week ago, and they ended up catching them before the sun rose today, but they are worried about there being a mate or even a small coven," Demetri leaves no room for anyone to question him as he has already pulled away and is driving fast down the wet roads. 

  "Please tell me we don't have far to go," I whisper to Jane as Demetri takes a corner to fast for my liking.

I never thought that vampires could get car sick but I think Alec was one second away from spilling his guts as we pulled into an underground car garage. Waiting by a huge door is Caius alone. I try and put on a smile, but not seeing Marcus makes me sad, "Sister," he greets me, helping me out of the arm, "My brothers are finishing up with court and will join us shortly. How was your trip?"

My stomach grows before I can answer, "I am starving if you have anything to eat."

"Were you not fed?"

"I slept most of the way and it was a good thing that I had nothing on my stomach with Demetri's driving."

A smirk graces Caius' face, "Come, I will have some food delivered to our sitting room as we wait. The rest of you may get some rest and fed if need be."

True to his word, not even ten minutes of us speaking in what looks like to be their office, another vampire brings in a tray full of seafood and local treats, "You found these," I pick up a rare crab in awe.

"Erik told us how much you like them and that they won't survive in the cold waters where you lived. Here they are many."

I eat quickly, and in a few minutes, everything is gone, and I lean back with a smoothie in my hand, "He's still mad, isn't he," I sigh, drawing my legs up to me, "That is why he did gret me and sent you instead."

"He didn't go into detail about what happened only that you two had gotten into a fight."

"He got angry when I went for a swim in the cave instead of the pool."

"I would have loved to see that," Caius laughed, "I haven't seen him twitch over the last three centuries, let alone smile. With that comes the emotions of fear, sadness, and especially overprotectiveness," Caius states becoming series, leaning forward onto his knees, "He will have to learn that he can't tell you what to do even if his beast is screaming at him, and you will have to learn to listen to his reasons. And you both will have to learn to trust one another."   

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27 ⏰

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