Chapter 8

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Ethne POV

Coolness covers me, and warm arms hold me. I don't know how long I have felt these things but something is calling out to me. I can barely hear it.  I focus on the voice as it starts singing again. 

Into the sea
Hold you close to me
Slide 'neath the waves
Down into the caves

Kiss me, my love
Come rest in my arms
Dream your dreams with me

Slide beneath the waves
Come to me my love
Forget the land above...

"Come back to me."

My eyes snap open and I see Sirena over me, "Welcome back Ethne, Erik has you in a pool inside a cave," she whispers softly, "You're okay."

"Into the sea
Hold you close to me
Slide 'neath the waves
Down into the caves


Erik's deep voice joins in.

"Stay away from me
Releasing from my spell
Back to the land above
Spell is all but gone

Now you are free."

The fog that was over me is released. Knowing that they would never use the song unless they needed to, "What happened?"

"Ethne," I look around me and see Carlisle, who is speaking to me, Sam, and Paul, "Sirena says that you have Water deprivation. That is why you passed out at the clearing," Carlisle moves closer to the edge of the pool, "How are you feeling?"

"Tired," I whisper, "Is everyone safe? How is Jacob!"

"Everyone is fine," Sam states, "Carlisle treated Jacob, and he is completely healed," he chuckles, "Paul was very worried about you."

"I don't know what I would do without my partner in crime," Paul defends.

"Ethne needs rest," Sirena states, "as well she will need to stay in the water for at least the rest of the day and come back every other day for about two weeks."

When Sirena stands, "Your family, or pod, is more than welcome to stay at our house," Carlisle offers.

"Erik and Rita will need to stay with Ethne for now. The rest of us are needed for the hunt. Titus has been harder to find than what Lunar Pod thought he would be."

"Paul and I can take the first watch tonight, and Seth can stay in the woods near your place. Edward should be able to hear his thoughts if we need one of you," Sam states.

"Erik can take care of me," I argue, "You all need to rest and get back to your families. There is no way Titus could find us."

"Ethne do-"

"She is mostly right," Erik supports me, "One of the wolves will do it; the rest of you can go home."

After agreeing that Paul would stay, the rest of them went home. Paul helped hold me up as Erik dove down to see what rocks he could find to build me a shelf so that I would not have to swim. Soon, he was able to make one after Paul had the idea to get a few branches to lay across the rocks that were already in place. The next morning, after Sirena and Rita check me over, most of the Mako pod leaves. Only Erik remains with Rita. 

Over the next two weeks, I visited the cave pool every other day, soaking for most of the day. Carlisle continues to monitor me, and I spend time with his family. A surprise visitor arrives after the third week of the Mako pod being gone. Erik joins me as we race to the Res to meet Sam. He was waiting on the coastline with us.  In the waves waiting for me was  Dustin and my brother  Xander.

"Ethne," Dustin greets me with a bow of his head.

"Sister," Xander opens his arms to me. I run into the water and wrap my arms around him. He chuckles, "Juno can't wait to see you, and neither can Dad."

"Titus is gone?"

"Gone, he won't cause us any more trouble," Xander looks to Erik, "Mako pod will meet you and Rita in Settle."

"Rita is going to stay with our host for a few weeks," I tell him, "Can you wait a few hours, I want to say goodbye to my friends?" 

"We have to be gone by sunset," Xander states, "We will return then."

I start with the Cullens. I thank them for all their help and for the adventure that we went through. Carlisle and Esme told me that I was welcome any time. I told them that I would not have my phone with me, but I would text/call them when I visited the pack to see if they were still in the area. Rosalie made me promise to do so. The only Cullens missing were Alice and Jasper. Bella was Bella and told me about her wedding that was coming and told me to come and that I could bring my family if I wanted. 

I then repeat this with the pack. I promise to come back when the yearly visit is at a minimum.  They will keep a burn phone and a few sets of clothes at the moon pool, where I can easily get to it.  Emily follows me and Sam back to the beach. Erik stayed with the Cullens to prepare his pods' stuff. After giving Emily one last hug, I dive into the waves to join my brother and Dustin.

Third POV

The weeks that followed were filled with Jacob leaving after getting Bella and Edward's invitation and the Cullens preparing for the wedding. Everyone was going on with their life. Rita had been working with Carlisle on everything that could happen to a mermaid for sickness in a book and even went into the ocean to get some of the medicine that can be used on merpeople.  Most of the things Rita was writing down. Carlisle had her only tell him basic stuff and write down the more sensitive stuff.  Erik had met up with his pod in Settle, and they had recently flown back to Mako. 

Life was getting back to normal. The Pack missed their member. Missed how Ethne would joke and play pranks with the guys and hang out with the girls.  As the wedding day drew closer and with no news from Ethne and Alice not being able to see her future, they decided to keep a seat open for her at the wedding just in case she showed up. 

With Bella and Edward dancing their final dance, Seth returns after having left after Jacob crashed the party earlier.  Edward blocks Seth out by focusing on  Bella. They don't even see Seth and Billy Black leaving before they do. As Seth drives Billy back to the Res, "Paul got a call on their way back from the wedding. It is from  the burner phone."

"The one by the moon pool?"


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