Chapter 7

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Third POV

Carlisle could not find out what was wrong with Ethne. He would monitor her fever and try to get her to respond to outside noises, but nothing. He has two lines running into her. One was a regular IV, and the other ensured she had nutrients to keep her alive.  Sam was coming by within the hour to check on their guest. Everyone stayed out of the room that Ethne was in to keep Seth and the other wolves calm. Carlisle and Esme would keep an eye on their guest, and Edward would take over for Carlisle if needed to feed or handle any calls from work.

Edward watched their guest as Carlisle and Esme went out hunting. Ethne was a history to Edward just as much as Bella was. He could not read Bella's mind, and the same with Ethne, but it was different, almost like a door between them was shut and locked. Seth was asleep in a chair that sat next to the hospital bed. Checking the IV lines and seeing that the regular saline needs to be replaced and Ethne needs to be wiped down and changed into new clothes. Walking out and down to the living he only finds Jasper, Emmett. and Rosa, "Where's Alice?"

"With Seth here, she can't watch the Volturi, and with Guard returning, she needs to be able to watch Aro's decisions," Jasper states. He has been monitoring their guest's emotions in case he is needed.

"Ethne needs to be given a sponge bath, and her clothes changed," he sighs.

"I'll do it," Rosa states from her seat beside Emmett, "Just let me get some clothes."

Seth had shared some of Ethne's story with them since being there, how Ethne is staying with them because some guy is stalking her. Rosa must understand some of her fears due to her past.  Rosa gets to work after kicking Seth out, and Edward disconnects the IV lines. She gently wipes her arms and legs first before moving to her face and then working on the areas the clothes cover. Thankful for their increased speed, that area is done quickly.

"I don't know much about you," Rosa starts, "I normally don't like any wolves or anyone hanging out with them. You have no connection to us, yet you still fought with us," she picks up a brush that was on the side table, "If you ever need someone to talk with or if you have any questions about us, I don't mind sharing."

A sharp howl goes up, and Rosa watches as Seth leaves the house and heads into the woods. Finishing Ethne's hair, Rosa lets Edward back in, "Call Carlisle and have Jasper call Alice back," he states, working on getting her lines set back up, "We have guests coming."

The Cullen Coven is waiting outside for their guests to show. Everyone but Rosa. She decides to stay and wait with Ethne. Seth is even outside with them as well.  Soon, two vehicles pull up, along with the wet dog smell that makes the Cullens stop breathing. Sam, Paul, and Jacob are the only wolves that came. A young female with curly blonde hair and shells in it is next to Sam. An older female and a younger female with brown hair are next to her. An Asian-looking male is on the end, while a blonde-haired male is on the side of the group next to Paul.

"Welcome, I'm Carlisle, and this is my family," he motions to his coven as a whole, "My wife Esme, and my adopted children Jasper and Alice, Emmett and Edward. Rosalie is inside with Ethne."

"It would be best to continue this inside," the older female states, looking at the sky.

"Please," Esme motioned for everyone to follow.

Filing into the family room, the two new males flanked both sides of their group, "I understand that your family is of the supernatural," the Cullens don't answer but the tension in the room is hard to miss, "However, the Quileutes have not told us what type nor have they told you what Ethne and we are," the blonde female states, "To understand her needs and to help Ethne I have permission from her family to tell you."

"Your secret will be safe with us. We would never willing tell anyone, "Carlisle states.

"We come from the water. From the deepest, darkest, coldest places, to the colorful, tropical warm waters," she continues. Jasper takes a step forward, placing Alice behind him, "The stories from old and from sailors are true. We are mermaids."

"And mermen," the blonde male states. When the young brown-haired female glares at him, "Sorry, but I am not a girl."

"As I was saying, now that you know what we are," the blonde female gains control again, "The merman to my left is Erik, and the one to my right is Zac. This is Nixie, and I am Sirena Alpha Female of the Mako Pod. This is Rita, a mermaid who lives alone beside my Pod."

"Due to our laws, we can not share what we are without permission," Carlisle states, "I hope that will not damage your trust in us."

"We understand," Sirena states, "I take it that you are the leader," she asks. After a nod from Carlisle, "May us mermaids greet your mate. The men will stay where they are."

After each one of the mermaids, greets Esme like Ethne did at training, Carlisle takes them straight up to see Ethne. Paul and Jacob stay downstairs with most of the Cullens. Only Sam, Carlisle, Emse, and Edward go up with them. Erik moves straight towards Ethne but is stopped by Rosalie pinning him against the wall and hissing at him, "Rosalie," Carlisle calls out to her, "They are here to help Ethne."

"How do we know that he is not the one stalking her," Rosalie snaps back.

Everyone looks at the group and Sam, "His name is Erik, and her family sent him to keep her updated on the hunt for the stocker. The stalker's name is Titus," Sam states calmly, "We have seen him before."

"I'm going out," she states out loud, adding 'to hunt' in her mind for Edward.

"Take Emmett with you," Edward states.

Rita moves to the bedside, looking over Ethne, "You have looked for bit marks, wounds or any kind already?"

"Yes," Carlisle steps into doctor mode, "She just passed out and has not woken up since. I have looked her over many times. The only thing that I have found is a fever, and her pupils stay wide even after shining a light into them."

"When was the last time that she was allowed to swim," Sirena asks.

"She hasn't been in since we got Erik's message about two weeks ago," Sam states.

"And before that?"

After checking with Paul and Seth, Sam returns, "They say at least two weeks before that."

"Water deprivation," Zach states from his spot next to Nixie.

Erik moves to the free side of the bed, taking Ethne's hand into his, "Ethne, you should have told someone."

"Water Deprivation," Sirena starts for everyone else, "is when a merperson has been out of water for too long. She needs regular time in water deep enough to cover her whole body."

Esme joins the conversation, "Since the ocean is out..."

"There's a cave by the clearing that we last fought at," Edward offers, "There is a spring there, and the water is cool."

After taking out her IV's, Carlisle talks it over with his family and decides to run Ethne to the Springs. After speaking with Sam, he agrees to let Sirena and Erik ride on his and Paul's back. After arriving at the cave, Erik dives into the pool before holding out his arms to take Ethne, "I would dunk her head under, but do not keep it under," Carlisle states.

With that, the small group settles in.

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