Chapter 12

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As we got ready, the night of Christmas, Jacob asked something of us that made me want to strike him with lighting, "Can you protect our imprints and families?"

"What," I was shocked. I had fought side by side with them.

"The Volturi will be on edge with Nessi alone; add the Pack into the mix," he sighs, "The guys will need to know that they are safe and that if this goes South, they can hide them," he pulls out a map and some other papers. 

Sirena comes over and reads them with me. It is a lease agreement for two months for a cabin on the Great Lakes. The area looks remote enough that we could swim if need be, "How would we know if things go wrong or if we can return?"

"Nessi will have a backpack and if things go wrong Bella has asked me to flee with her. We have everything that would be needed for the human world to stay off our backs."

"Why can't the younger ones do this," I question, "You asked us to fight and now you want to bench us."

"The youngest will go with the imprints and next age will be protecting the Tribe."

"We will help with this," Sirena takes over. "Do you have a cover story incase everything goes wrong and your tribe is wiped out?"

"Collin Littlesea, if the Volturi goes after the tribe , will set it on fire after removing as many people as possible. It will give the cover to the attack and insure that the Volturi can't return for a long time."

"Very well."

I walk away from them to cool off. I take in the view of the night sky as it covers the mountains. I can faintly hear Jacob and Sirena talking, "Why is she so upset at me asking this?"

"Our bonds to our families and pods are strong. Most will never leave, even if that means their death," Sirena tells him, "That is why when the rogue mermen started attacking pods that some many died. Even now, almost a thousand years later there are still many Pods that don't accept merman. They are small in number and is population size but still a lot of them. My Pod was one till about thirty years ago. Then we had Zac and Erik. Speaking of Pods, why is no one from the Lunar Pod here? Don't you have a treaty with them."

"The Lunar Pod is welcomed here, if we are still alive by the time the next meeting takes place I will be telling Alpha Xander this."

"Alpha Xander? What happened to Alpha Rex?"

"He was killed by Titus," Jacob sighs, "He almost killed Xander to, but Xander traded Ethne for his life."

"He did what?"

"He traded Ethne for his life. Titus is dead now. Ethne made it back to us and he was chasing her. We burned his remains."

"Your her pod. Her family now," Sirena walks over to me, "Hey, are you ready? We should have everything ready to go at sunrise."


"Remember, we do things for family that we wouldn't normally do."

At Emily's and Sam we make sure that everyone is ready. We pack the three cars and make sure that all important documents are together. I stay up on watch with one of the wolves as the rest sleep. I pull out the letter that Alice gave me. I haven't opened it yet and decide that I should now. Ripping the top I pull out a piece of paper

Dear Ethne,

I know that everything will be confusioning when you are reading this. Your heart and mind will be at war. Even more so when your mate comes into the picture. Just remember, that we will always be your family and love you. Even if the others don't Jasper and I will. ( I haven't seen what happens yet.) You have become a little sister to us and all we care about is your happiness and safety.

With love 
      Alice and Jasper

As the morning comes and everyone is loading up into the cars I hand Sirena a note, "You're not coming with us," she simply states. A knowing smile on her face.

"They are my pod, even if they don't want it, I will protect them."

"Your mother and father would be proud," touching our foreheads togathier one last time Sirena gets in the same car as Emily. 

"Though I'm far away, across the sea
This moon keeps hunting me
As I spread my wings
And soar above
It's you, you're guiding me.

The cars start pulling away. I am so focused on them that I miss someone joining me,

"And the morning sun, still shines on me
I feel your power two"

Erik continues the song, I join in after getting over the shock.

"And the passing tide
In paradise
As  we stand beneath
This full moon.

This full moon"

I give Erik a hug, "You stayed."

"Please, I knew that you would not leave them. Sirena told us what happened with your last Pod. I knew you wouldn't leave your new one," he states, "I think we better hurry."

"Speed and cloak," I state making myself disappear.

"Speed and cloak."

Marcus POV

Standing across the open field against the Cullens. I never thought that I would have to fight against my old friend and his family. I watches as Aro, makes his speech about safety and the unknown. Caius itching for a fight even after killing Irina after she had made a false statement to us against the Cullens.

Alice Cullen appears with her mate Jasper Whitlock. Aro has been wanting her to join us since he meet her a few months ago, "I would like to show you that we, vampires, will be safe," She willingly takes his hand to show him something. 

However, they both grow confused as well as young Edward. Something has thrown them off. Something they all had no idea of. This confuses me as almost nothing gets pass Alice and Edward. Taking a step back, Aro starts looking around, "Show yourself!"

Everyone starts shifting as the words leave his mouth. Jane and Alec move towards Aro, their father figure. Caius drops back to their wives, and a few of the lower guards close in on them forming a protective ring. Santiago and Afton take their spot on either side of me. Afton's hand settles on my left shoulder. Ready just incase. Jasper is next to Alice as all of us are moving.

 Edward along with most of the other males on his side, take their spot next to their mates. hey did not plan this. This if throughing them off as well. I start by scenting the air, but smell nothing. The wolves sniff the air before a few of them let out lite huffs.

"Show yourself," Aro orders again.

Storm clouds gather overhead over the next few seconds. Thunder echoes and lighting strikes close to where Aro is standing. Causing him to move back. Jane and Alec look to see who would dare such a foolish move.  Howls from the wolves fill the air as a young woman appears out of the air.  Standing on top of the cliff that overlooks the valley. Her striking blue eyes cut through us, "I advise listening to Alice."

Then she is gone.

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