Chapter 13

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Before anyone comes after me for Marcus, Aro, and Caius's age, in the book, Marcus was turned at 19, and Aro at 20. Caius is the odd one at age 40. The movies flip this, making Marcus the oldest, then Aro, and lastly Caius. I am splitting the difference, so to speak, and will be adjusting the ages to what I think works best.   Enjoy.


I disappear again before both Erik and I run down onto the field. We stand closer to the Volturi side, about three-quarters of the distance between them and the Cullens. I reappear with Erik a step to my right. He moved to be a step forward, which no one missed. I looked over the Volturi, locking eyes with one man. He looks to be in his mid-twenties. He is dressed in a black suit and a completely black cloak.  Something in me clicked. I ignore it, though, "Well?"

"You must be Ethne from Edward's memory," Aro takes a step closer to me. Erik sidesteps to cover me halfway, hissing his warning. Jane moves with Aro, and a black mist moves from Alec's hands.

"I wouldn't if I were you," Jasper warns, "You have only seen a small part of her gifts."

"Alec, Jane, everything is fine. This male is simply protective..."

Alice uses this to introduce her witness, a male hybrid who has been alive for about 150 years without anyone knowing about him. With everyone's attention off of me, Erik moves back to standing next to me. With a simple motion of my eye, Jasper starts to move Alice and the other two a few steps over, giving me a clear line. 

"We will not fight today," Aro decides. I wonder who the other two leaders are. A blonde male near to women in completely black cloaks grabs my attention. 

"But they have a treaty with wolves, our natural enemy," the blonde snaps.

"Peace, Caius," the male I locked eyes with must be Marcus. No one else would get away with speaking that way to Caius.

The Volturi witnesses, and some of the Cullens start to leave. The wolves don't move an inch, though. A dirty blonde female approaches Marcus, and the two men with him have stepped away, "Ethne," Erik tries to get my attention, "your teeth."

The female places a hand on Marcus, and my insides rage. I don't know how I got there, but I am next to Marcus, throwing the girl back. A loud hiss leaves me as I crouch lower, and my teeth lengthen. When people move towards us, I surround us in a ring of fire, "Stay back," Erik yells, "Her fire can only be put out by her."

" Amazing," Aro whispers. 

"Ethne," Jasper slowly moves into my field of vision, "I need you to calm down. What is wrong," I only hiss louder in return. I can feel my heart racing and anger building inside, but also the need to protect Marcus, "Erik, why are her eyes glowing?"

"It can't be," Erik calls out to me, making my head snap to the side, "Okay, everyone needs to back up. Especially the women."

"We're okay. No one is going to hurt us," Marcus whispers to me. Not looking at anyone else, I turn, facing him. My anger melts as I look into his eyes, " Il mio gioiello. (My jewel)"

Slowly, I reach up and touch his face. He leans into it, almost purring. I can feel my teeth return to their normal size, "Hmmmm, hmmm, hm, hm," I start to hum. 

"Afton, take the wives and Chelsea away," Aro orders, "Only Jane, Alec, Felix, and Demetri will remain. Along with my brothers."

"Ethne," Jasper calls out to me again, "No one will harm your mate. Why don't we go back to the house, or the cave."

The cave, I need to show Marcus my cave. Latching onto his arm, I start running.  He easily keeps up with me. I head straight to the cave that has the spring that I use. Once inside, I dive straight into the water. Turning around, I look up at my mate. I offer my hand to him, "Ethne no!"

Erik dives into the water, taking me with him. 


Third POV

Carlisle is on the phone with Rita as they run after Ethne and Marcus, "We think she is taking him to the cave that we healed her at."

"You can't let her mate enter the water. During the first hour after the meeting, female mermaids are extremely dangerous. She may want to mate with him, and normally, that is done in deep water. During this time, mercouples would mark each other by a bite."

Arriving at the cave alongside Aro and Felix, Carlisle watches as Erik dives on top of Ethne. Knowing that Ethne's tail is a shadowy blue, the bright tropical blue must be Erik. Marcus watches, wanting to help his mate. When he goes to dive in, "Brother, no," Aro grabs his arm, "part of mating is her biting you. We don't know how it will affect you. We need to let them get her under control."

Burst above the surface, Erik has Ethne in a headlock and wraps his tail around hers. Thankful they are on the logs, "Forgive me, Ethne.

Into the sea
Hold you close to me
Slide 'neath the waves
Down into the caves

Kiss me, my love
Come rest in my arms"

Marcus hisses at this line, and Felix is ordered to control his master

"Dream your dreams with me

Slide beneath the sea
Come to me, my love
Forget the land above."

"Bring her here," Carlisle orders, kneeling next to the pool. After feeling her pulse, "She is okay. Let's get her back to the house."

Erik pushes the rest of her body onto land. Edward enters with clothes in his hand. Taking them from Edward, "Everyone needs to leave except Carlisle."

"Come brother, the quicker they finish, the quicker you can see her again," Aro motioned for Felix to drag Marcus if need be. 

Erik changes back before pulling off one of Ethne's moon bracelets and forcing her back into her human form. After changing her, Erik carries her outside and over to Marcus, "If you hurt her. You will know what pain is."

With a nod, Marcus asks about his mate, "Is she alright?"

"Merpeople rarely mate with land people or vampires. So her mating drive," Erik coughes, "was acting as if you were one of us. What I did should wear off in about an hour; she could have hurt if not killed you." 

The group quickly makes their way to the Cullens' house. Esme shows Marcus to the room that Ethne uses before leaving them. Cullens and Volturi alike sit and wait for the new Volturi Queen to wake.

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