Chapter 6

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Haze is all around me. I can hear voices, but I can't understand what they are saying. Sam's hazy face is over mine. His mouth is moving, but I can't tell what he is saying. Leah joins him, grabbing my right hand. I let my body take over as it pulls me into darkness.

Third POV

"Ethne," Leah joins Sam, kneeling next to their friend. 

Smoke fills the air from the fires that burn the newborns. The Cullens watch as Sam and Leah can work together. Everyone knew about their bad breakup, But it seems their new friend is calming the pack. Carlisle leaves Jacob's side after checking on his broken bones to see what is wrong with the girl, "Carlisle," Alice whispers, coming out of a vision, "Five minutes out."

"Who," Seth asks.

"The Volturi," Edward takes over, "You all need to leave now. They will not honor the treaty."

"I will come by after they leave to check them both over again," Carlisle states. 

Seth picks Ethne up in his arms, taking the lead on heading back. The rest pick up Jacob and try to move him, causing the least amount of pain possible. Making their way through the woods Sam tells them all to go to Emily's and tells Leah to run ahead to clear the women out and have Emily wait though. 

Emily holds open the back door as Seth carries Ethne in and up to her room. The rest carry Jacob in and take him into the sunroom that has a couch in it. Leah stays upstairs with Ethne as Seth is ordered downstairs by Sam. A sense of calm, concern, and order comes from Sam. Helping to keep the others in line. 

 As time ticked away the pack was growing concerned that Carlisle had not come by yet. Paul had time to go and fetch Jacob's dad, Bill, and bring him back. As they pulled up to Sam's house, they noticed that Carlisle's car was outside. No one liked the idea of a Cullen on tribal land, but they needed his help. They give the doc plenty of room so that he can work on Jacob, "I will need someone to help hold him down so I can reset his leg."

"Seth, take Emily to Billy's so that Rachel doesn't worry," Sam orders, "Paul help me with Jacob."

 "I will give him a shot for the pain, but I don't know how long it will last. I will have to move quickly," Carlisle states as he gives the medicine to Jacob, "Ready. Paul, hold his upper leg and Sam his foot and ankle," working quickly, he gets the leg reset and even gets Jacob's left arm reset as well. 

"Ethne is upstairs in her room," Sam guides Carlisle up, "She hasn't made a sound since she passed out on the field."

Leah sits next to her friend on the bed and holds her growl back as the leach doctor comes in, "She started sweating after we got her back here," she tells him, "I don't know how high her temp is if she has one."

Carlisle moves the cool washcloth off Ethne's head before feeling it. Years of being a doctor has trained his sense of touch to the human body to be able to tell if she has a fever, "She has a low fever," pulling out his pen light, he checks her eyes, and her pupils are wide even after he shines a light in them, "Does anyone know what happened to her. Was she thrown or hit?"


"No, I made sure that none of them got close," Leah answers, "One did get passed me, but Ethne took him down before he even got to her."

"I would like for Esme and Edward to come and take a look at Ethne," Carlisle starts, "Hear me out. Edward has medical training as well, and Esme has helped me before. I would like for her to be here to change Ethne out of her clothes so that I can check her over from head to toe."

Sam thinks about it for a second, "I will agree to Edward only because of his medical training. Emily and Leah will be able to help you and change Ethne out of her clothes."

With a nod of his head, Carlisle agrees, "I will need to go pick up Edward and some more supplies. If the ladies could wait till we return before changing her."

With the plans set, everyone left to get ready. Emily was brought back along with Rachel as she heard both her brother and friend were hurt. When Carlisle and Edward returned, they still did not know what was wrong with Ethne. The women change her as they watched, and they found nothing with her fever spiking and not knowing what was happening with her and getting the pack to agree. Ethne was to be moved to the Cullens. It was an uneasy agreement, but since Carlisle was a doctor and no one in the pack was one, they had to agree. One wolf, Seth, was allowed to be with her at the Cullens. So in the early morning, with Ethne in Carlisle's arms, they left for the Cullens' house. 

 Later that day, a phone in Ethna's room started ringing. Paul was the only wolf at the house with Emily, as the others were home resting or out on patrol again, "Hello?"

"This is Sirena," a female voice came over the phone, "I'm calling for Ethne. Our friend Erik made a visit about a month ago?"

"Erik, with the blue tail?"


"My name is Paul. Ethne is staying with us till Titus is found," he explains over the phone as he makes his way back downstairs, "Something has happened to Ethne. She passed out or was hurt. We are not sure; we have a doctor looking after her."

"A doctor," Sirena gasps, "Why would you take her to a d-"

"He is a special doctor. It will be easier to explain later. Is there anything that you could do to help us treat her?"

"I was calling to tell her that we would be there by the end of the week," Sirena states, "I believe we can move our flights up to be there in two days, hopefully. Do you think she can last that long?"

"I would have to ask the doctor to find out. Go ahead and move your flights up anyway."

"Alright, we will be there in two days. Four of us will be coming."

Sam and Jared come in through the back door, "Alright, someone will be at the airport to pick you up in two days."

"Who was that," Sam asked after Paul ended the call.

"Merpeople that Ethne knows. From the same pack as Erik," he explains, "They were coming in at the end of the week, but once I told them that Ethne was hurt, they moved up their flights."

"We will speak about this later," Sam's stern voice tells them that he doesn't like what Paul did, "For now, we will get ready to see our guest.

 In Itlay 

The twins and Felix have just returned to the Volturi stronghold. Making their way to the throne room quickly, they nearly take the doors off their hinges, "Jane," Aro greets her as she quickly makes her way to him, "What happened on your mission, my dear," he holds out his hand to her.

After seeing everything that happened, he held out his hand for what Jane had taken from the field. Before she could produce it, Marcus entered the room. Caius nods his head in greeting to his brother before turning his attention to Aro and Jane. She pulls out a piece of fabric from her cloak. A piece about six inches long and two inches wide in bright blue holds a new scent that no one had ever smelted before. 

A smile graces Aro's face, "What do we have here?"

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