Chapter 14

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The Cullen's house is quiet as everyone waits to see how Ethne is doing.  Marcus is the only one in the room with her. He sits in a chair that he placed next to the bed. Carlisle comes in and checks on her every hour. It has been three so far and no one knows what to do. Erik wants to go up see if he can figure it out but Jane and Alec keep the stairs blocked. Aro takes this time to get to know Nessi. 

Everyone is tense, and the Cullens are unsure and scared for their friend. The Volturi were concerned for one of their kings and their new queen. Carlisle coming into the family room causes everyone to stop, "She is still out," he turns to Erik, "Is there anything that you can think of?"

"I need to see her to know what is going on," Erik gives a pointed look to the twins.

"Jane, Alec," Aro joins the conversation, "Alec, join my brother, and Jane, please report to our wives that we will be here till we know how our new sister is. They should return home with everyone else."

"Yes, Master," Jane leaves without another thought.

Alec moves upstairs with Erik, "Carlisle," Caius calls out to him, making him pause, "Whatever you need. Just let us know."

Heading upstairs, Carlisle finds Erik looking over Ethne, "Marcus," Carlisle calls out to his old friend, knowing how hard it is for newly mated vampires to let others touch their mate, "Erik is our best chance of finding out why she is still asleep."

"Dr. Cullen," Erik calls him over, "can you help me roll her over."

Helping Erik do that, "What are you looking for?"

"I am making sure she doesn't have Fish fever."

"Fish Fever?"

"It happens when we come in contact with a type of coral. I don't think it is, but I want to rule it out."

After running down a checklist of everything that he knew, Erik shakes his head, "What about the song you sang earlier," Marcus asks.

"It should have worn off by now, but I can try the reverse song. But I would need the room."

Ethne POV

A warm feeling runs over me as the cloudiness is lifted. Blinking my eyes, a light blue light fades back into my bracelet. A bracelet that Erik is holding, "What... what happened?"

"Ethne," he places the bracelet back on me before pulling me into a hug, "Sorry," he pulls back quickly.

"Why-" I stop as a feeling deep into my chest starts coming on, a deep hurt, "Erik, I need... something... it hurts."

"Come on," he helps me stand and leave the room. 

Slowly, we make our way downstairs. The boy that can make black smoke sees us first. He steps closer like he is going to help, but Erik stops him with a shake of his head. Everyone stops talking as we enter, "Glad to see you up, my dear," Aro states from his spot on the floor next to Nessi.

Looking around the room, I see the same man as before, and the pain starts to ease. I lose my grip on Erik. Making wobbly and slow steps towards him. He meets me halfway and gently takes my arm to steady me. He helps me to a chair and supports me as I sit down. The room is quiet, almost too quiet, "Do you remember what happened," Carlisle asks me gently.

Everyone is very stiff and keeping their distance from me, "I remember appearing at the field."

"Anything after that?"

I shake my head no. The feeling that washes over me as no one looks my way makes me nervous, "What happened," again, no one answers me, "Erik, didn't- please tell me that I didn't."

"No," he moves to come towards me but is stopped by two of the Volturi guards. That is when I noticed that the pack was not there either.

"Where's Sam and the others?"

"They are fine, Ethne," Erik states, "Just calm down, and we will talk about it."

Thunder echoes outside, and the wind begins to pick up. "Amazing," Aro whispers from his seat. I hiss at him, but his smile only grows, "Your hearing is like ours."

A flash of lightning hits outside as my anger grows. A door to the outside opens and closes  with Jasper and Alice appearing in front of me but they keep their distance, "Marcus, you need to calm her," Jasoper hisses, "Or do you not want your mate?"


Marcus takes one of my hands in his and starts to softly purr, "Sì, calma, mio gioiello. (Yes, calm, my jewel.)"

I turn and look at Erik. He simply gives a nod of his head, telling me it is true, "Really?"

"You attacked one of their female guards," Emmett laughs.

"Why did I..."

"She touched him," Erik answers once again, "but she is fine."

"Why don't we leave them alone to get to know one another," Aro stands and makes his way outside. The Volturi immediately follow, as do most of the Cullens.

"Everything will be alright," Alice says, "Jasper and myself will be right outside if you need us."

 "Me too," Erik says from the door.


"You can trust him," Jasper tells me, "Mates are treasured with our kind. He would not harm you, if he does..."

They leave and Marcus moves to sit across from me. I look at him for a moment just taking everything in. His black hair, his height, the confidence that he carries, and a fire in his eyes. A fire that I want to know about but that also frightens me.

"So mio gioiello, how did you come across my friend Carlisle?"

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