Chapter 3

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Percy went to a house, "Get up you lazy girl!" He heard, then there were sounds of beating and screaming.

Percy kicked the door down. "Hey! Who are you?!" The man asked.

"Your worst nightmare," Percy replied. He kicked the man in the gut and stabbed him in the heart. He saw a little girl in the corner whimpering.

"It's ok. I won't hurt you. What is your name?" Percy asked. He had a hood so no one can see what he looks like.

The girl said, "Alina."

"You can call me Hurricane. How much do you know about the Greek gods?"

Percy then went on explaining about the gods. He gave her a choice, go to camp or join the hunt. She chose to join the hunt.

Percy took her there then disappeared in the forest. For the past few weeks, he had been staying in the forest. It appeared to be more convenient that way. He had brought a lot more Demi-gods to either camp or the hunt. The gods have been trying to figure out who, but the same description always come up. A tall and muscular man, with a kind and caring voice, claiming himself to be Hurricane. The gods are frustrated, no one could escape their grasps. There were also reports that the man could shoot fire and shadow travel, Hades and Hestia immediately know who it is.

It had been a few months now, Percy is about to go rescue another demigod, when he came across Leviathan.

"Come on, I can beat you easily," Percy taunted the snake.

The snake growled and dashed forwards, towards Percy.

Oh shit- Percy thought, he quickly fired a few arrows, slowing it down. The snake grew impatient and tried to bite Percy. Percy took out Riptide and keep on blocking. Suddenly, the snake sunk its tooth on Percy's foot. Percy screamed in horror, he freaked out. He blasted fire at the snake. While it was distracted, Percy cut its head off with Riptide.

He ended up killing it, but he lost consciousness. He only saw blackness.

"Should we wake him?" A muffled voice said.

"No, let him rest," another voice, probably female.

Percy sat up groggily, he rubbed the sleepiness from his eyes.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"I am Aether. This is my wife, Hemera," The primordial said.

"You are primordials?" Percy said.

"That you are right," Hemera said, chuckling lightly.

"How long have I been out?"

Aether frowned, "About one day."

"Where am I?" He asked.

"Planet Chaos, my dear," Hemera said kindly. She reminded him of Hestia.

"Come on, Lady Chaos wants to meet you," Aether said. He then guided Percy out of the room.

All the primordials were in the throne room. Lady Chaos tapped her foot lightly on the ground. "Ah, Perseus. Or Percy! I have been observing you for a while. Always so selfless and humble. I have a talk with the fates ad we decided to make you a primordial."

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