Chapter 8

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The next morning, Artemis announced that she would be leaving to hunt down the enemies. Percy, knowing that he would need to follow them, told his friends that Chaos sent him on a mission.

Artemis and her hunt got ready to leave, she and her hunt went into the forest, with Percy railing behind not very far. He made sure that the hunters won't be able to see him and he masked his aura.

"Alright girls. Let's set up our camp here," Artemis said, after trekking in the forest for an hour or two. She made sure they were deep in the forest where no one can find them.

"Yes, mi'lady," Thalia said. She then set up her tent with the others following her example. Percy then set up his tent a few meters away. He didn't want the hunt to know he was there.

Afterwards, they went hunting, with Percy on their tail. They hunted wild boars for their dinner. Since Percy is still Hestia's champion, he can summon home cooked meals.

That was an uneventful day, he thought.

The next morning, he woke up bright and early, making sure no one could see him, he went to have a run around the forest before anyone woke up. After an hour or so, the hunters woke up, they began doing what they usually do. Chores, cool food and then went to hunt.

They went out, they were about to hunt down a deer when suddenly, the giant Ephialtes came out.

"Well, well, well. Who do we have here?" Ephialtes said.

"A bunch of pretty ladies," another giant, Polybotes said, emerging from the forest.

Thalia flared, she commanded the hunt and they began to fire arrows. Percy stayed in the shadows to watch, he won't come out unless needed.

Artemis then came and started firing at Ephialtes at an insane speed.

"Is that all you can do?" He taunted. "The arrows only scraped my skin."

He kept on walking forward, Artemis went back. The giants had improved a lot since he last defeated them. Within minutes, he pinned Artemis down. The hunters were busy with Polybotes.

"What shall we do to you?" Ephialtes asked, pretending to be thoughtful. Artemis squirmed from underneath. In such a state, she didn't thought of showing her true form. Percy from aside, didn't have choice but to show himself. He pulled his hood down, then came out.

"Care for a one on one?" Percy asked the giant mockingly.

"Pfttt, as if you can defeat me. Last I checked, Perseus Jackson was the one who defeated me. He is not here now," he said.

"Let's see, shall we?" Percy said. He took out his bow and fired a few arrows at him, slowing him down. He then took out a sword from the air and engage a fight with him.

"Hmm, loyal to Tartarus. Yet you show no bravery?" Percy said.

"What are you talking about?" Ephialtes asked.

"Let's see, you are going to die now," Percy said. With that, he thrusted the sword in his stomach, the Riptide in his heart.

"Perseus Jackson... Impossible," he breathed. Percy then took off his mask.

"Not bad. But defeated by a primordial. Yet the same person," Percy said. The giant's eyes went wide and he died.

"Thank you Percy," Artemis said, blushing slightly. Percy gave her a small bow then went to help the others.

Polybotes died at his hands again. "What are you doing here Percy?" Artemis inquired.

"A small favor for Zeus," he replied.

"What do you mean?" Asked Thalia.

"Your dad wanted me to keep you safe," Percy replied.

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