Chapter 16

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"What was that Percy?" Hestia asked.

"What?" Percy questioned, he seemed confused as them.

"Your eyes, they turned gold and you were floating in the air," Artemis said.

"Hmm... really? I must have gotten angry," Percy replied thoughtfully. "Anyways, I need to bring you guys back safely."

Then, they all flashed back to Olympus. "Daughter!" Zeus cried out. He and Apollo ran over to hug Artemis while Hestia being hugged by her brothers and sisters.

Percy just stood there not knowing what to do. So he closed his eyes and tried focusing on a weapon. Surprisingly, he chose bows. He suddenly located a bunch of bows in the wilderness. Must be the hunters.

"- you okay?" Artemis asked. She snapped her fingers in front of his face. She had been asking him the same questions repeatedly.

Suddenly, Percy snapped out of his concentration. "Huh? Uh, yeah," he replied.

"What were you doing?" Artemis questioned.

"Oh, locating weapons," Percy replied. Artemis looked at him strangely but decided not to question about it further.

"You should rest," Artemis said.

"Is the man hating goddess caring for a man?" Percy teased.

"Well, you're the only male that earned my respect," Artemis stated.

"Hmm.. alright," Percy replied, then went to Atlantis. He crashes onto bed and immediately fell asleep.

Not long after, he heard screams. "What the Hades is happening?" He murmured. He went out and saw earthly hands coming from the sea bed.

'No wonder they screamed. It looked freaky to be honest' he thought to himself. He talked into the messaging device.

"Uhm guys, Atlantis is under attack, dad you better come back," Percy said.

Within minutes, Poseidon flashed back. They cut the earthly hands before it can reach the citizens. Suddenly, Percy sensed Gaea. In the heart of the forest.

"Dad, I gotta go!" Percy said.

"Alright, son. Take care. I can take it from here," Poseidon

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