𝐬𝐢𝐱 | why?

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MARINETTE was sitting in her office working on another fashion project when she heard some ruckus outside. She got up and walked over to her window and opened the curtains to stare in horror at an akumatized villain destroying many buildings.

"Tikki, spots on!" Ladybug then opened the window and made her way to the scene of the crime.

When she arrived, Chat Noir was already there, fighting the villain.

"Glad to see you showed up," He said with a slight sound of angst behind his voice.

"Chat Noir, not right now," Ladybug said as she joined the fight, waving her yoyo around. What's his problem?

"Sorry, Ladybug. Guess I'm just a little 'moody' today.." Chat said with an annoyed attitude. Ladybug understood that he was still upset, but bringing it up in battle? Really?

She rolled her eyes as they followed the villain to the Eiffel Tower. When they got there, there was a replica of the villain, but larger.. a sentimonster.

"Don't cataclysm the sentimonster. It says in the Grimoire." Ladybug warned.

Chat rolled his eyes, "No shit, we read the same book." 

Before continuing on, Ladybug turned to Chat, "Can we not do this here?"

"I don't see why not,"

"I don't care what you think, just focus on th-" Before Ladybug could finish her order, the real villain came by and snatched her by the waist. The villain started making their way to the Eiffel tower, and as they went, Ladybug called in her lucky charm. A rope came falling from the sky, and Ladybug caught it effortlessly.

The two landed on the top of the structure and the villain held Ladybug at the edge, trying to take the miraculous earrings. Ladybug was about to do something with it as the villain was about to take her miraculous, but Chat Noir interrupted when he took his pole and whacked the villain, and then grabbed Ladybug before she fell.

Chat Noir found the akumatized object and broke it with his cataclysm.

"No more evil doing for you, little akuma." Ladybug said as she opened her yoyo, "Time to de-evilize!" She swung the yoyo and caught the butterfly, "Gotcha! Bye bye, little butterfly." The butterfly flies away as Ladybug helps the man up.

"Are you okay, sir?" Ladybug asks.

"Yes, of course. I can make it home, thank you."

"Alright, no problem, see you around," Ladybug left the man alone and she pulled Chat Noir aside.

"Um, thanks for saving me back there," She may be annoyed with him, but he did save her, after all.

"You're welcome," Chat Noir smiled, "What are partners for?"

"Yeah," she said, "See you later," Ladybug turned around and was about to leap to return home, but Chat Noir caught her arm and pulled her back.

There were so many emotions running through Adrien's head right now. He needed an answer.

"I can't go on like this continuing to be upset with you," Chat Noir admitted, "Tell me why, please."

Marinette winced at Chat Noir's ask. She wanted to tell him, but it wasn't the right time. She didn't know when it would be the right time at all.

"I.. can't," Ladybug avoided eye contact. "I'm sorry,"

"Please, Ladybug, I don't understand, just tell me."


Ladybug hesitated for a bit, but she came to a conclusion. He deserved to know.

"Chat.. you know I can't. I'm sorry, but I have to go." And with that, Ladybug leapt away, leaving the poor, curious cat alone.

What was she not telling him?


please stick with this story! i'm building it up for when ladybug reveals what shes hiding from chat.. good luck!

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