𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 | patrol

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Their first ever patrol as adults.

Adrien felt calm about the whole thing; He sort of accepted how Ladybug knew his identity, and was trying not to think about it much anymore. On the other hand, Marinette was having a full-on panic attack about the whole thing.

"Tikki, are first ever patrol!" Marinette exclaimed, rolling around in her chair while talking to Tikki.

"Calm down, Marinette." Tikki rolled her eyes, "And technically, it's not your first ever patrol."

"Yeah, yeah, I know.." Marinette sighed, "But I'm actually going to have to talk to him today. Patrol always ends with a long conversation after, and I haven't exactly had to have one yet."

Tikki raised her eyebrows, "Uh, you did, technically."

Marinette groaned, "Enough with the technicallys, Tikki! I get it, I'm overexaggerating, but the point is: I don't know what to say to Chat- Adrien, and I don't have much longer to figure it out. Plus, I'm gonna have to bring up Gabriel at some point. For goodness sake, he's getting out in- '' Marinette glances at her calendar, "Four months. Four months, Tikki! What the hell am I going to-"


"Sorry." A light blush formed from embarrassment pasted onto the girl's face.

"It's okay," Tikki said, smiling. "But don't worry about Gabriel right now, okay? Just focus on Shadow Moth."

"I'm trying, I swear.."

"I know you are. But about Adrien, didn't you literally just see him yesterday?"

"Yes, I did, but that was in my civilian form. His civilian form, too. It's different," Marinette sighed, falling back onto her bed in exhaustion.

Tikki followed her down to speak closer to her face, eye to eye. "Marinette.. Do you think you will tell Adrien your identity?"

The bluenette paused at the thought, "I don't know, Tikki. There's so many ups and downs to doing so: He will be able to protect me, and we can finally be more open with each other, but it also puts him at risk and.. yeah."

Tikki was calling immediate bullshit. She knew that it technically didn't put Adrien in any risk, since Shadow Moth already knew Ladybug's identity so Adrien knowing as well wouldn't do any harm. Tikki knew that there was something else holding Marinette back, and she just needed to figure it out.

"Are you sure that's the only reason you don't want to reveal your identity?" Tikki asked hesitantly, not knowing if she should push the topic further. Marinette halted at the question, not knowing if her answer would be completely honest or half-true.

"Yes, I'm sure." She said, avoiding Tikki's gaze.


"Heyy, bugaboo." Chat said, creeping up from behind and taking a seat next to Ladybug. They were both on top of the Eiffel Tower, just like old times.

"Took you long enough to finish, Chaton." She said, giggling.

"Shut up, I'm a little rusty, okay?" Chat rolled his eyes and tore away from the blue eyes and glanced at the gorgeous view in front of him. "So, what's new, LB?"

Ladybug snorted, "Didn't we already have this conversation?"

Chat looked back at the girl in red, "Yes, we did, but that was when I was mad at you." He scooted closer to her, and put his arm around her. "But don't worry, this cat's over it now."

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