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The Beach Trip Pt. 2

Everything felt like it was crashing down and yet like everything was concurrently consistent. Here at the beach with you were all your most precious friends you'd grown to cherish over the year, and soon you were about to lose some of them. Not literally of course, you'd talk to them on the phone and meet up when you could, but you couldn't shake the fact that this part of your life was over. Next year would be nothing but studying and preparing for University.

"Y/n? Y/n?"
"Hm?" You hadn't heard Oikawa calling you, but when he shook your shoulder he was able to bring you to reality. "What's up?"
He smiled. "Wanna go get some drinks with me for us all?"
You sighed, "sure, let's go."
Mattsun watched you leave as Makki wouldn't stop blabbering on about you two splitting up. It was beginning to get to Mattsun. He couldn't keep hearing it anymore.


Across the beach were rows of stores filled with everything you'd need or think of while you're there. Together with Oikawa, you walked over to one of the stores a little further away on another street. As you were talking with him, you quickly noticed something.

"Oikawa...where's your shoe?"
He did an awkward face like he'd been caught. "I...I lost it."
"Are you serious?!"
"It was an accident! I was swimming!"
"With your shoes on?! You. Are. So. Dumb!" You slapped Oikawa lightly on the shoulder as he laughed and screeched.


"What kind should we get?" Oikawa asked looking across all the choices you had.
"Maybe just some coke? You can't go wrong with coke."
"True." Oikawa shrugged.
"Alright then, here let me help carry one." Oikawa paid knowing that most people wouldn't pay him back but that was okay for some reason, he just didn't care.

As you slowly walked back carrying the big boxes of cans of fizzy, Oikawa tried starting up a conversation.
"Hey," he said. "You've been really quiet today. Are you okay?"
"No Oikawa I'm not, but I don't wanna talk about it."
"Cool cool. That's totally cool—AH!" When Oikawa screamed, you dropped the box you were carrying and rushed to his aid while looking at him with wide eyes.
"What happened?!"
"I got glass in my foot! Ow ow ow!"
You scoffed. "For fucks sake Oikawa."
"Don't be mean to me, I'm injured!"
"Well maybe if you didn't lose your fucking shoe, this wouldn't of happened!"
"That's fair."

Carefully, Oikawa hopped over to sit down against a wall as you picked up the boxes that had definitely ruined some of the drinks.
"Do you think if you take it out you'll be okay to walk the rest of the way?"
"Huh? Wont I like- die if I do that?"
"Oikawa...you're smart, what's going on?" You knocked on his head and he chuckled. "Are you losing brain cells?"
"Yes!" He said. "Because I'm bleeding out!"
"You are so dramatic! That is the tiniest cut I've ever seen!"
"No it is not! Are you blind?! LOOK AT IT! You should be grateful Y/n, most other girls would pay to look at my feet."

On a horrible day like this, Oikawa was somehow able to make you laugh. It wasn't surprising, Oikawa was able to do the impossible, including losing his shoe three fucking times on seperate occasions.


On the way back, you hefted Oikawa on your back, giving him a piggy back ride. When you got back to the beach, you swore to bury him in the sand. Maybe you should have just left him at the store!
"You smell like the ocean!" He said.
"Probably because I went swimming in the ocean, Oikawa."
"I don't need your sarcasm today, Y/n."
"Do you really wanna be talking back right now?"
"No ma'am."
"That's what I thought."

"...sooo, how are you and Mattsun doing?"
You scoffed, "Oikawa!"
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I know you said you didn't wanna talk about it, but I'm just worried."
"Yeah? So am I," you sighed.
"I'm really sorry," he whispered after a few moments.
"It's okay. OK, I need to take a break, you're so heavy."
"Let's not body shame, Y/n."
"I'm going to leave you here if you say another word." With that, Oikawa zipped his lips shit and threw away the imaginary key. He smiled when you laughed.

You took this quick break to check your phone. Mattsun had texted you. He asked if you were okay. You didn't reply. You'd see him soon anyway.

To be continued...

I'm sorry but I absolutely loved writing this written chapter. There will be texting dw, but the beach trip still isn't over <33

Also I hope y'all are shitting yourselves. *evil laugh*

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