💀Nitric Acid💀

116 1 0

Quirk name:
Nitric Acid

Emmiter with a Mutant sub-type

The user has holes in their hands that are used to shoot Nitric Acid, a highly corrosive mineral Acid that is colourless (though gains a yellow cast over time). Aside from being highly corrosive, Nitric Acid causes irritation to the eyes, skin, and mucus membrane, as well as causing delayed Pulmonary Edema (fluid forming in the lungs), pneumonitis (inflamation of the lung tissue), bronchitis (an infection of the main airway of the lungs), and dental erosion (the chemical loss of enamel and tooth mineral caused by non oral acids).

Quirk Factor:
The holes in their hands

This Quirks is good for infiltration and in disaster zones to clear away rubble quickly

The user's face orifices will all start to become irritated, as well as a burning situation in the hands

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