100th chapter Special!!!

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I'm so happy that I made it to 100 chapters! And it's all thanks to the people who stop to read my book! I made this book originally to encourage creativity in others, and show a whole bunch of different examples of quirk possibilities. So for this chapter, instead of giving yet another quirk, I'm going to let readers list their own quirk ideas in the comments below for everyone else to read! I'll organize it by quirk types to make it easier for everyone. If your quirk also has a subtype, you can jut put it under its main type and that will be fine!

Comment Here for Mutant type Quirks!

Comment here for Transformation type Quirks!

Comment here for Emmiter type Quirks!

In addition to this, I will also be giving you guys the template that I use for creating my characters. You can copy it as much as you want for your own character!

(In Japan they do family name first and given name last, so most people will call your OC by their family name)
Name meaning:
If you would like to give your OC a Japanese name, but don't know where to look for something with a specific meaning, here are the websites that I use for those:
For given names
For Surnames
(Who gave them thise names and why?)
(Include preferred pronouns)
(beginning and current)
(Month and day, you can include zodiac if you want)
(Be as descriptive as possible!)
"Good" traits:

"Bad" traits:
(Remember that good traits and bad traits can be switched depending on the scenario)
Blood Type:
(Blood type personality charts are very popular, but you don't have to follow them)
Sexual Orientation:
(Who are they attracted to, are they gay, Bisexual, straight, questioning, unlabeled, etc)
(Hero, villain, student, civilian jobs, etc)  
(Current and/or Former)
(If applicable)
(Remember that Nationality and Ethnicity are different!)

Appearence described by others:
(Do other people think that you OC looks cool? Do they look intimidating or scary? Do they look younger or older than they are? More masculine or feminine?)
(Inches and cm)
(Lbs and Kg)

(Hair colour, hair length, hair texture, volume appearence. Is it long? Blue or green? Straight or curly? Is it volumous or flat? Fluffy or greasy? What hair style do they typically have?
(Eye colour, Eye Shape, Pupils, are they heterochromatic? Are they thin? Sharp looking? Tired and baggy? Slanted or droopy? Do they have more than two?)
(Skin colour, do they have moles or freckles? Scars or stretch marks? Do they have markings or tattoos)
Distinguishing Features:
(If you're OC was lost in a crowd, what would your OCs friends be looking for to find them?)
Casual dress:
(Outside of school/work, what would your OC wear? Do they have a distinct style? Piercings or jewelry?)
School uniform:
(Each school has a different uniform, does your OC need that uniform to be modified to fit their quirk?)
Name of quirk:

Quirk type:
(Mutant is permanent body altering abilities like Tail or Frog
Transformation is temporary body altering abilities like Harden
Emmiter is pretty much everything else.)
(Please be detailed! Include what your quirk does, and it's limitations)
(What is your quirk good at? What scenario does your quirk shine best!)
(What would a villain need to know/do about your OCs quirk to make it ineffective?)
What age did they obtain it:
(Mutant types are born with their quirk, while others get their at around 4, maybe 5 if they're a late bloomer)
How did they obtain it:
What circumstances happened for your OC to activate their quirk for the first time? Was it on purpose or by accident?)
Adaption to his Quirk:
(Some people have bodies that aren't suited for their quirk, or have limitations that are hard to foresee. Some have trouble controlling the activation of their quirk. Does your OC adapt well to one aspect, but not well to another?)
Quirk Evolution:
(Not all Quirks evolve, or even need to evolve, but when they do its something that strengthens their quirk, not a new ability all together. Like Himeko Toga being able to use the quirk of the people the transforms into, or --

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