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"Oh, sometimes I think it is of no use to make friends

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"Oh, sometimes I think it is of no use to make friends. They only go out of your life after a while and leave a hurt that is worse than the emptiness before they came." 

—L.M. Montgomery

They got to the dropship just after Raven had, and the girl was quick to ask if they had seen either Clarke or Finn. Both Astoria and Bellamy shook their heads, and the mechanic sighed before saying she was going to double check to make sure she didn't miss them. Astoria nearly told her to calm down, because they were only a few minutes late, but she knew Raven was just worried. She was too.

Then another ten minutes passed, and Raven was out checking for the third time. Astoria had started to pace, because what if Clarke hadn't caught up to Finn like Bellamy had her? What if the boy had turned himself in? What if she didn't get to say goodbye—?

"Astoria," he sighed, but she didn't stop. She couldn't stop thinking. "Astoria, come on," he huffed before reaching out his arms to keep her in place. She darted her eyes to meet his and titled her head slightly, warning him to not tell her to relax. "They're going to be fine, alright? But if you keep moving I'm going to start pulling my hair out."

At that she frowned, because she really didn't want to put her stress onto him—not to mention, he had very nice hair that she wanted to remain on his head. With a sigh she nodded, and she was glad when Raven returned to get her mind off it. But she had no good news.

"I checked again," she huffed as she moved towards the couple, and Astoria took a deep breath of hope. "Still no sign of them."

Astoria deflated, and Bellamy noticed. "Where are they?" he questioned, hoping that someone would be able to pull an excuse from out of the air.

"We shouldn't have split up," Raven whispered, and Astoria shook her head but remained silent. They shouldn't have, but she didn't think she'd have been able to handle everyone meeting her brother. She could barely handle knowing that now Bellamy knew he existed.

Loud footsteps sounded from behind the tarp, and Bellamy was quick to grab the gun that was slung over his shoulder. "Someone's coming," he informed them, and Astoria grabbed the pistol at her hip.

When Murphy pulled back tarp to enter Astoria titled her head in confusion, but the boy was quick to still and raise his arms at the gun pointed his way. "Whoa, hey, hey, hey!" he spoke excessively, and the grounder rolled her eyes.

"Murphy?" Bellamy questioned, not having expected him either.

"The hell are you doing here?" Astoria took over, but she didn't sound as hostile as she normally would have. As much as she still found his presence aggravating, she was trying to be kinder after he helped her bury Costia.

Raven pushed Bellamy's gun down as Astoria put her's back into her waistband, and Murphy moved further inside. "I believe I was invited," he pointed to Raven, and Astoria twisted to look at the girl.

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