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"Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable

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"Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up."

—Neil Gaiman

Day 95

When they got back from practicing driving the rover three days before, Astoria had noticed that her bones felt stiffer than normal. She woke up the next day in pain, though it wasn't horrible enough to keep her from getting up and starting her work. The day afterwards, she mentioned it to Abby. The doctor spent at least an hour asking her countless questions, but Astoria tried to assure her it was just uncomfortable, and not life altering.

Of course, both woman knew it would grow worse overtime.

A group went to Mount Weather under Abby's orders, to collect medical supplies and anything else the Chancellor needed. Astoria had wanted to go, but Abby needed some of her blood now that she was experiencing multiple symptoms. It'd be better to take it when most of her friends were out.

Bellamy was playing with her hand as they laid atop the Ark, Astoria's eyes on the stars and his on her. He pulled at her fingers and pressed their palms together, just liking the feeling of her skin on his. They spent most nights in the position they were in, and Astoria never got tired of watching the night sky. Once they had fallen asleep under it, and when the warm sun hit Bellamy's cheeks he had to nearly carry her back to his room. She walked only at the promise that they'd be able to go right back to sleep in his bed

"Do you ever think about the future?" he broke the silence, and Astoria spared him a glance before looking back to the sky.

"Sometimes," she shrugged, trying not to grow uncomfortable at the question. She tried to not think about the future most days.

The man didn't notice the vague answer, and instead gave one of his own. "A hundred-and-something years ago people would give each other rings, and have a big party, and then they'd be stuck with one another forever. And on the Ark people would just go to to the Go-Sci Station and fill out loads of paper work," she wasn't sure where he was going with the words, but she knew the concept he was referring to.

Many of the books she read had weddings in them, and it reminded Astoria of how simple things had been a century before. "You saying you wanna marry me, spaceman?" she joked, and Bellamy rolled his eyes but smiled.

"I don't think you'd take a ring if I had one to give you," he countered, and Astoria laughed quietly. He reached into his pocket as he continued, "But I found this at the mountain, and it made me think of you.

He held the top of the chain in his hand, and let the necklace dangle above them. It was silver, and rather simple, but it may have one of the most beautiful things Astoria had ever seen. She never owned any jewellery before, and she never thought she would. When she brought her hand up and ran her fingers over the small pendant she was sure that once she put it on, she'd never take it off.

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