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"Best friends make the worst enemies, they know all your secrets and how to hurt you the most

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"Best friends make the worst enemies, they know all your secrets and how to hurt you the most."

―Alyson Noel

The moment she heard Jasper's voice coming through the radio, Astoria was on her feet and rushing towards Sinclair. She let him do all the talking, and instead stood at his side with her eyebrows together as she listened. Arkadia sounded like a purgatory; Astoria didn't know if she believed everything the frantic boy was saying (the keys Jaha had been giving out couldn't really make someone a completely new person, could they?) but when she heard that Raven needed help, she decided to push away all the doubts she had.

She was about to go back to her spot beside Oran when she heard an exchange that made her tilt her head and listen closer.

Clarke's voice came first, but Jasper had already told them she was with him. "Ow, hey! There's no room up here, sit down-!"

"This girl is freaking me out!" a voice much younger whined, and Astoria took a step towards Sinclair.

"She's not even awake-!" Jasper joined their conversation, sounding like it wasn't the first time the boy had frustrated him.

"Yeah, we just knocked her out and kidnapped her, and neither of you will tell me why!"

Astoria quickly took the walkie-talkie into her hands, pressing the button to speak with a shake of her head. "Thomas is with you?" she asked, a mix of emotions washing over her. She was glad he was out alright, because by the sounds of it Arkadia was no place for a child to be alone, but she also knew she wouldn't be able to focus on keeping him safe.

"Toria, who the hell is this kid?" Jasper breathed out in annoyance, and Astoria took a deep breath and rested the radio against her forehead for a moment. She couldn't deal with Thomas's antic's at the moment - not with Raven in danger, Lincoln to mourn, and her head pounding so hard she feared it would break through her skull.

"Tell him to be quiet and sit down, or I'll tie him to a tree and leave him to the panthers when he gets here," she hissed into the radio, not waiting for a response from Jasper (and ignoring Thomas's loud hey!) before handing it back to Sinclair.

When she turned, she found that Octavia was on her feet and Bellamy was quickly following her. "O, wait," he tried with a huff, watching as she began to pack all her things. Astoria took a step closer to the siblings, knowing that the last time they spoke ended with Octavia beating Bellamy bloody. "You can't just leave."

"Watch me," she shook her head.

"You heard what Jasper said on the radio; Arkadia is not safe," Bellamy attempted to talk sense into his sister, but Astoria didn't think it was going to work. She didn't want to be in the cave with the group either, and Octavia was closer to Lincoln than she was.

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