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"He is not dead

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"He is not dead. I cannot say, and I will not say, that he is dead. He is just away. With a cheery smile, and a wave of a hand, he has wandered into an unknown land."

—James Whitcomb Riley

Day 99

There were six of them out in the yard as the sun set, other sky people sitting and having drinks or finishing up their work for the day around them. Bellamy, Oran, and Raven were sat around a table watching from a few feet away with various expressions on their faces, and Octavia was trying to convince Lincoln that it was a bad idea. But both him and Astoria were a few drinks in already, so to them it seemed like no big deal.

An apple was balanced on Lincoln's head, and he watched Astoria excitedly where she stood across from him with her bow in her hands. Oran had quickly shook his head when Astoria boasted about how she never missed her mark, and told the group that when he had tried to teach her when she was nine, she couldn't even hit a tree. She rolled her eyes, and when Raven quipped that never was a big word, Astoria was quick to stand.

Lincoln had laughed and got up with her, walking a few feet away and then placing his half eaten fruit on his head. Octavia was quick to object, but before she knew it Astoria was grabbing her bow and one of her arrows.

When she strung her weapon back, Octavia shook her head. "Toria, come on," she tried, but neither the woman or Lincoln were listening. "This is a bad idea."

"Give her a chance!" Oran called, taking a sip of his drink with a large smile on his face. Sometimes he found the sky people to be horribly boring - they just worked and ate and slept, and then did it all over again the next day - but this was exciting. Of course, he assumed that was because two grounders were at the centre of it. "If Lincoln want's to volunteer to be shish kabobed, that's his decision to make-!"

He barely finished before Bellamy punched him in the arm to shut him up, and the older man laughed.

Astoria took a deep breath, and Octavia huffed in annoyance. "Come on, Toria," Lincoln coaxed, a smile on his face. "Shoun klin skechi."

Once the words left his mouth, the arrow was flying through the air and lodging itself into the apple. It was blown off his head at the impact, and Lincoln clapped his hands together with a cheer. Astoria heard Bellamy bring his fingers to his mouth to let out a loud whistle, and a smug look came over her face as Lincoln moved closer. She hadn't expected him to grab her by her waist and lifted her up until she was sat on his shoulder, but she quickly smiled and let him hold her hip to keep her sturdy.

People had turned to them, but none of them really minded. Oran rolled his eyes as Raven began to clap, and Astoria let out a scream of glory - mostly prompted by the alcohol, because if she was sober she wouldn't have liked how everyone was watching.

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