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"We should forgive our enemies, but not before they are hanged

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"We should forgive our enemies, but not before they are hanged."

―Heinrich Heine

Astoria managed to sleep, but she was too humiliated to tell anyone that she had done so in Bellamy's room. She had never spent the night while he was at Camp Jaha, so she wasn't sure why she sought it out, but when she couldn't sleep and Raven's quiet snores started to echo through the room she huffed and got out of her bed. Bellamy's pillow smelt of pine and sap (and some sweat), and it relaxed Astoria almost immediately. She was able to have a dreamless sleep, and awoke much later than she had anticipated.

She was moving down the halls of the Ark with tired eyes when she first heard people rushing around in a panic. It instantly stressed her, and she quickly grabbed hold of the first sky person she saw. "What's happened?" she questioned, letting go of their arm once she was sure they weren't going to hurry away.

"They've got a Mountain Man in the medical bay!" the woman shrieked, and Astoria felt her bones freeze and her blood run hotter.

Without a thought she rushed through the halls, pushing past anyone who got in her way. When the medical ward doors slid open, she only caught the last few words of Clarke's sentence. "—Not torturing him," she decided, and Astoria shook her head.

"Like hell we aren't," she hissed, spotting the suited man lying on a table just in front of the blonde. Indra and Abby stood around him as well, and the woman grabbed her wrist to stop her from getting too close to the Mountain Man.

"We can't let you do that," Abby spoke strongly, as though it wasn't up for debate. Then she looked to Indra, who clearly was the one who brought up torture in the first place. "He might just talk because we saved his life," she explained, but Astoria didn't want to hear it. This was one of the men who allowed her to be tortured—who took her too and from Dr. Tsing's lab, and laughed over her bleeding body. He deserved to die, and she wanted to be the one to kill him.

It was Indra who spoke, and Astoria agreed with her. "You people are so weak," she spat, and then quickly left the room. Clarke looked to Astoria, and then back down to the man. He looked horrible, though all the grounder could see of him was his face.

His skin was red and bleeding, and she didn't feel sorry for him in the slightest. "When he wakes up, I need to speak with him," Astoria demanded, shaking herself free from Abby. When the blonde went to shake her head, Astoria stopped her. "I won't hurt him. I just need to speak with him."

Finally, Clarke nodded her head, and Astoria quickly left the room as well.


When her name was paged, Astoria hurried to the air lock. Abby and Kane stood in front of it, and sitting inside was a man. The grounder didn't recognise him, but that didn't surprise her. She couldn't remember the faces of any of the guards she saw during her time in the mountain. When he lifted his head up, he got to his feet quickly.

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