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"'Is the spring coming?' he said

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"'Is the spring coming?' he said. 'What's it like?' 'It is the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine.'"

—Frances Hodgson Burnett

Day 85

She was sleeping much more than she normally would have. She would have kept it from Abby, if not for Raven promptly noticing because Astoria used to spend barely any time sleeping at all. Now, Astoria was getting the correct amount for someone her age for the first time in years, but Raven had read the files from Mount Weather at least four times. She knew what to pay attention too, and she knew Astoria sleeping for an extra two hours was something to worry about.

Raven had been spending most her time working on the old rover they had brought in, and now that she was finished fixing it up Abby had more trucks for her to work on. She didn't mind, she liked having something to focus on, and now that the rover was fixed they'd be able to start getting medical supplies from Mount Weather faster.

When Astoria woke up Raven was long gone to the garage, but the grounder didn't mind. She would see her when she was forced to drag her away from her work to eat dinner. She was moving towards the mess hall to get something into her stomach before she started on her job as one of the camps hunters (Kane had all but begged her to join the guard, but Astoria turned the offer down), when she walked passed the open door to the training room.

She slowed slightly at the sound of dulled metal clashing, as well as low grunts, and peaked inside. She scrunched her eyebrows up slightly at the sight of them - she didn't think they were even friends, let alone sparring buddies - and leaned against the entrance of the room. Bellamy and Oran were both deeply focused on blocking one another's slashes, and Astoria knew they had been at it for a long time due to the sweat hanging off their bodies.

Her eyes looked over Bellamy's form for much longer; he was shirtless, with his pants hanging low on his hips, and his hair was sticking to his forehead. He looked good, but he also looked relaxed. Oran was relaxed as well, and he even had a smile over his lips. It was strange to see, he didn't smile much anymore, but Astoria welcomed it.

"How long has this been going on?" she finally made herself known, and Oran looked over to her. Bellamy took a deep breath and dropped his sword to his side, using the break to move and grab a sip of water.

Oran shrugged, "A week or two."

"And you didn't tell me?" she raised an eyebrow, faking her offence. Her brother rolled his eyes, and walked to put the training sword away.

"Didn't think we had to run it by you," he explained, and Astoria laughed. He picked up his shirt and pulled it over his head with his one hand, something he had gotten much better at in the past weeks. He had to readjust everything in his life; the way he got dressed in the morning, and the way he tied his shoes. How he got work done so he wouldn't feel he was living in Arkadia for free, and how he did everything with his non-dominant hand.

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