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It all happened too fast,

His legs moved on its own when Sasuke ran infront of his teammate, Uzumaki Naruto.

He felt sebons pierce through the flesh on his back, it was too fast for him to avoid or block it.

And the next thing he knew, he was on the ground.. next to Naruto.

The blond Uzumaki clenched his fist as he whispered,


"You.... Idiot.. I hated you.."

Naruto's jaw tightened, his nailed dug into the palm of his hand successfully drawing blood.

"Then why? Why me?!"

His eyes welled up with tears,

"I didn't ask for help, got dammit!"

The uchiha stared ahead with a blank look, blood poured out of his mouth as he replied,

"I don't know."

He tried to balance his hunched body as he swayed from one side to another but finally gave up and fell,

Naruto caught him, his hair casting a shadow over his face.


With half lidded eyes, Sasuke stared at Naruto,

He tried to extend his hand as he weakly said,

"I can't die.. I promised to kill that man...

.. I can't leave Kana alone in this world.." 

His hand fell, as he closed his eyes.

And just like that,

All Naruto could see was red.

The chakra of the nine tail unleashed,

Oop  looks like Uzumaki Naruto is pissed.


Everything turned out ok.

Haku being the most merciful person ever, had only temporarily killed Sasuke, so he woke up a few minutes later.

The raven hair boy was very determined to not let something like this happen to him anymore.

Not being able to kill Itachi would be something,

But dying to leave his one and only family all alone in an orphanage.. where she'll be waiting for him... there's no way anyone would tell her that he's dead, she won't understand.

Just thinking about it makes him want to slap himself.

He will not die, he will not accept death from now on.

He will live for Kana.

As soon as he got back to Konoha, he rushed to the orphanage only to be stopped by his teacher who forced him to the hospital to get his injuries checked.

He was forced to rest at the hospital,

He wouod hate to admit but he very much needed that sleep.

He woke up gasping at 9pm completely drenched in cold sweat as he'd once again witnessed the downfall of his clan through another nightmare,

Only this time, it was different.

It would always be the same nightmare where he would be walking through his house towards his parents mumbling voice,

When he opens the door, Itachi would be grinning sadistically as he sliced his sword through through their parents.

But this time,

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