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The creak of the door was accompanied by the series of footsteps before the door was slammed shut, 

The young man removed his hand from the door to press the muscles on his shoulder, trying to easy the pain as he sighed.

His irritation only seem to grow when he sat on his bed after the hours of intense training, the bed could hardly even be discribed as a bed since it felt like a rock. 

He hated every single second of his stay at the horrible place, which always seems to have this eery atmosphere and the smell of blood and rotten eggs. 

His food was nothing but a bowl of bland chicken soup which was probably kept on his bed side since morning and had the worlds most over cooked chicken. 

'I wonder how these freaks survived all these years drinking this shit.' He cringed. 

He scoffed,

'Well, atleast they don't have to worry much longer about surviving with this, much less surviving.' 

After finished his soup, he carelessly threw the bowl somewhere fully intended to piss of a certain silver hair. 

He sighed once more, and stared at the ceiling where a random spider was pop dancing, honestly he really wouldn't even think twice about it.. if he hadn't heard the distant sound  of soft laughter, which no doubt belongs to a certain ravennete. 

He remebered every single memory with her, even the one where she pointed at a spider and laughed at how it was 'dancing'.

He even tried to explain how they do it to impress female spiders, which only added onto her amusement and made her believe that pop dancing like a spider can get you many female friends.

It was one of the few times he was able to laugh whole heartedly, without feeling guilty for enjoying himself while he was suppose to be planning on ways to avenge the murder of his family. 

He found himself getting up and lifting the cot of his bed, with one hand holding the cot his other hand searched for something. 

Something he hid away under that very cot, and vowed not to keep gazing at it only to break his own promise by the end of the day. 

His hand found it, and his whole being seem to be completely concentrated on that very picture, the sound of the cot falling had barely even registered in his mind. 

With a small huff, he dropped his body on the bed, his eyes never leaving the picture, 


He gently wipes away the dust, as the face of the tiny girl was more clear for him,

He paused and thought for a second, 'She's just a few weeks shy from turning six'

"I wonder if she started with the Ninja academy." He murmured, 

how ironic. 

He would often find himself like this, wondering how they were doing, his teammates, his only blood relative and the village.

He wondered if Naruto was still going around, searching for him and quickly disgarded the idea.

Naruto is too determined about his dreams of becoming hokage to run after someone like him.

Along with the hate and vengeance, sasuke grew a bit of self-loath everyday.

He would often gaze at the mirror and feel like a stranger to himself, wondering what happened to him, how messed up he was.

Wondering how much of humanity was even left in him.

He would often feel tempted to just give up and go back to Konoha,

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