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Standing before the tall mirror, the little girl blankly gazed at her own form; somehow feeling as though she was staring at a complete stranger, had it been about just a few days ago the girl would've never imagined that in a few days her life would be turned to that of an actual child.

I mean, is this what being a child really meant? to wear the most brightest shade of pink and what could be named the worlds most immature clothes.

Lifting her bandages arms, the little girl turned slightly, gazing at her bizarre attire; nothing compaired to her usual ninja wear.

She was currently clad in a yellow top with confusing and unrealistic animals, which didn't quite reach her waist; being justified by a pinknette that it was a 'crop top', making the little girl even more confused on why someone would willingly pay more to wear half of a shirt.

Sakura was lost on how to answer her questions.

Over the one half of a shirt (as kana likes to call it.) she wore what was called as.. overalls which was filled with so many different pastal colors, the girl feared she'd go blind if she wore it for the next 2 hours, the only likeable part of her outfit being the various different pockets she got along with it.

It would come in handy to store ninja stars and sebons, since the pockets are pretty big and the material is quite thick, so the sharp objects won't possibly tear through.

A small and mostly unnoticeable frown itched upon her face the more she gazed at herself.

This was probably the most colors she had seen on herself, not that she really appreciated it; although it wasn't her cup of tea, the little girl never showed discomfort or dissaproval, not wanting to dissapoint the lady who had been kind to her regardless of her infamous bloodline.

Just when she though it was over, the cherry blossom women walked in with a bright smile and an even brighter beanie; the woolen beanie almost made her cringe with it's pure whiteness and the two bunny ears stricking from two corners, it even had two little attachments on each ends to move the bunny ears.

When they were finish getting ready for her 'first day of actual childhood', she was already left exhausted and uncomfortable to face the day.

The little girl who knew nothing but the world of weapons, was suddenly told to be free.

Free of what exactly? she couldn't tell, why was it even needed for her to be free?

She spent the first night awake, cracking down the meaning of the word 'Free.'

To be able to do something on your own free will, not being under the control of anyone; to be able to act on your own consiousness, to break free of confinement.

Why was she confined? No.. How was she confined? she couldn't understand, the hokage never compelled her into missions, she took them willingly, if she wanted to eat and sleep; she would do so, she would act according to her own wished and needs.

Then why was she not free?

The little girl, barely live a decade yet faced many different life threatening situations and injuries. Some that caused doubt to arise wheather she'd even make it alive with her small body.

She was far too ahead of her age, never fearing to take up at dangerous mission at any time of the day; knowing damn yet, it could be her last.

She simply never found the reason to fear, what was there to fear?

If she were to die, it just didn't matter. It was the most trivial possibility for her, she believed that since she was bound to die some day, it didn't matter if she died now or later.

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