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< Ik Ik im doing too many time skips.. sorryyy loll>

Kana watched the Hokage through her Anbu mask, her teammate.. a guy with unimaginable pale skin and black hair was standing next to her.

As soon as the Hokage saw her, she immediately got up from her seat and stood before the 5 old girl.

Kana's voice was soft as she spoke quietly,

"Hokage-sama, we've successfully assassinated that man. He seem to be a student of one of the members of the criminal gang, akatsuki.

I've managed to manipulate him into giving me a few information regarding the akatsuki, please check through this scroll."

Tsunade smiled at the girl and placed an affectionate hand on her head,

"Good job! Now here's a lollipop just for you!"

Kana shyly took the lollipop, she was thankful for the mask that hit her flustered face,

Sai was just confused.

It has been 6 months since kana was put under Yamato's care.

The little girl had managed to speed run through the whole book and learned everything in one week.

Tsunade was stunned,

This girl was a literal,

If not better.

Version of Uchiha Itachi who graduated and became anbu at 10.

She didn't even have her sharingan yet!

After just a few days of doing the D rank, she was allowed for a C rank.

She came back along side her sensei, not a single scratch on her.

Tsunade let the little girl enter the chunin exams,


It that doesn't just scream Itachi the I don't know what does.

Her skills were far more than just average genin.

No team could match her power, so they decided that she's going alone.

The little girl wrote all correct answers in the written exam, she understood the actual purpose of the test.

But why copy when she knew the answers anyways.

She got through the forest of death within just 6 hours being the first person to reach first,

Mind you, she went alone.

She came back perfectly alright, not a speck of dirt on her clothes.

Tsunade let her skip the rest of the test, it was pretty obvious that she'd easily make through.

She became a  chunin,

While on her first ever solo B rank mission,

Uchiha Kana had her first kill.

It was sad really,

The mission was supposed to be a retrieval mission,

Some infant of a royal family was kidnapped,

She had managed to track down the kidnappers.

But when she got there, she was met with something that would never leave her.

They were team 11.

She remembered them from her 3rd year,

Most specifically the once that bullied her most.

It was their first ever genin C rank mission,

All of their mouths gaged up, their hands and legs crushed and broken, bent in different angles,

They were all tried to the ceiling by their hair.

All three of their backs was facing her, but what sickened her the most was that their necks have been twisted fully to face forward, it made her clenched her own throat in discomfort.

She remembered standing for a few moments, the silence being filled by the sound of dripping.

Dripping of their blood.

Their sensei, a kind and wholesome lady, who was going to get married soon.

Trigger warning, mentions of nudity and rape. ⚠️

She was tied in a sitting position, to a chair.

Her face was completely destroyed, only parts of flesh falling off.

Someone had destroyed it with a knife.

She was completely bare, all her clothes discarded into the ground.

There was blood everywhere,

Her chest had been cut, she stomach had been slit open.. intestinal organs pouring out.

The chair was drenched in her blood,

Her legs were covered in blood.

They had taken advantage of her and forcing her to watch her students die.

Kana didn't know these people very much, but she still knew them.

They were all dead.

They'll never able to fulfill whatever dream they had.

She vaguely remembered one of the girl from this team,

She was very mean towards Kana, but she was a very determined person.

She wanted to become hokage.

The rogues came around, she remembered  being frozen in fear.

That was until they started mocking the dead team.

They imitated how a boy called for his teacher as they stripped her down.

How fun it was to watch the teacher cry blood, seeing her kids get tortured one by one.

Kana was shook,

she was finally brought into the horrible truth of being a ninja.

That night all Kana could see was red,

She came back to Konoha the next day,

Her clothed torn in some parts, blood all over her.

She carried a small crying baby in her arm,  the kidnapped princess.

She walked blankly, she sharingan gazing at the world tiredly.

Kana stayed up all night in  the bathroom, washing her hand over and over again, mumbling apologies to the team 11,

She scratched her red hands over and over, she took lives.

She killed someone, she stopped a person's heart,

They took the lives of team 11, yes.

But it only made her even more miserable.

She was promoted to jounin in a month, a few weeks after her 5th birthday.

It wasn't a while before she became anbu.

The girl was simply unbelievably talented.

The Hokage felt sick to the stomach, she is sending a 5 yeat old to do the dirty work.

But she kept telling herself,

It was for the good of the village.

But was it really?

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