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The sky turns a soft orange, painting its vibrant color across the vast sky as the sun drips back into the horizons. A small rays of sunlight seeps through producing long shadows and a soft evening glow across the village of Konoha.

There sat a little girl, her newly bought 'children' clothes were covered in dirt, the one thing that could describe her emotions were disappointment, she watched with her dull blank eyes as kids ran around their parents, laughing and telling them about their days. Holding their hands, a mother kissed their child's head.

She watched because she couldn't understand. She thought the trick to make a friend was to be polite and have commons. She knew that kids her age could easily be sworn by a few sweet words. Despite her greatest efforts, she couldn't manage a single one.

How was she to execute this terrible mission?

She was disappointed in herself for not being able to accomplish something easily done by kids her age who didn't even have to train to do it.

She frowned in confusion. It really sucked for her.

All she could do was sit and wonder

She could hear a voice, a loud obnoxiously squeaky voice reaches her ear, she doesn't look up from the ground, still seated on her bench as she thinks up big strategies to gain the trust of kids her age, From her calculations she understood that boys her age particularly seem to dislike the opposite gender, since they believe female's to carry a germ know an cooties. Now, in her 4 years of reading experience, not once had she come across such a virus.

The voice grew more and she finally looked up, feeling annoyed by who in their right mind could possible be so immature in the public, but she wasn't surprised to find just a group of kids running around throwing themselves recklessly on the sand pit, She cringed and silently hoped she wouldn't have to take such horrific decisions to make a simple friend.

She wasn't up to get her clothes dirty, that's probably the biggest reason she preferred dark clothing, it's the only childish idea she had, if she can't see the dirt, maybe it doesn't exist.

She sighed and nodded to herself, jumping down to her two feet and started walking in the familiar path towards a place that had been more of a home to her since she learn how to walk and talk.

The library, of course.

She entered the library, bowing politely to the librarian who smiled and greeted her. She was very much regular, after all. She walked confidently. She knew the place like the back of her hand. Something about this place was just so catching to her, It was warm when it's winter, and cold when it's summer, It was filled with so many books, of many different categories. It was just another plus that the lady there provided free cookies everyday, what she didn't know was that the lady only gave free cookies for her, but that's besides the point.

It didn't take long to reach the section she was hoping for, she rushed towards the big rows of thick books all filled with different medical contents, she found the set of books that she was looking for, the books that specified different medical conditions. The little girl frowned up at the books and immediately reached for a ladder, easily gaining access to the book soon after.

Each was big and there were five, but she knew if she could allocate 16 hours of reading time, she'd finish it in a week at least, she wasn't sure how she would be able to concentrate when a certain loud Uzumaki keeps causing chaos in ways she didn't know possible but she decided to plan it later and utilize her alone time.

As she sat on the wooden floor crisscross, the thick book opened on her lap as she leaned back against the huge shelf full of vast knowledge, beside her was a stack of the other four books.

The crips air and the fresh smell of paper along the smell of some random incense stick that she had never once seen burning anywhere in the library but the smell was still there for some odd reason, but she wasn't complaining at all, The place was dim lit, it had many windows and almost no lights, somehow it was the bright and dull at same time, the sun light was enough even when it was late into the evening.

She wondered if the kind lady with the pink hair that helped heal her that day ( and forced her into wearing the most colorful clothes she probably worn since birth) would know anything about this.. Cooties or whatever seemed to be a problem around children, she wondered what kind of medical condition that might be, was it some disease spreading among young girl children.

Anyways, she was about to find it for sure, It must be related to skin allergies since they seem to avoid touching the person, also it was obvious that the disease was contagious, so a contagious skin disease was what she'd look through.

But there were many factors that didn't make sense. The girls looked fine, and their skin didn't have any unusual patches or anything unusual at all. Then that meant it wasn't related to skin. After all, it must be internal.

She nodded, reading through the book.

Internal and contagious. What could it be?

They expected many outcomes,

But certainly not this one,

when they reached an empty park. All common sense flew out the window, Both panicked teens forgot that the child was a literal child, anbu, as they ran around the village, yelling out her name like she was some lost little kid.

The blond Uzumaki was saying his prayers to every god he knew, he had made up his mind that she must have been kidnapped and brought to another village where they plan some evil things to do with her, oh that must be right! they were going to cut out her organs, pull out her Sharingan, and sell them at some black market.

Both Naruto and Sakura were pulling out there hair searching for her all over the village, they were so panicked they forgot that they could simply close their eyes and trace her chakra, Both running around, jumping on roofs, they were minutes from going to the Hokage to send a search party and get the kid.

Naruto almost strangled a certain Hatake who just gave him a simple wave when he saw his student but was unfortunately was held by the shoulders and shook around like a rag doll from a panicked Uzumaki who yelled about the little Uchiha being missing and being tortured to death, which was just him being dramatic.

Imagine their surprise when they find her little bunny hat hanging along with some random jacket inside the local library's hanger.

It was just pure luck they even saw it, Sakura did, in fact.

She was it from the corner of her eyes, just a millisecond from slapping the damn out of her companion when she paused with her fist mid air, snapping her head towards the glass door so fast, Naruto heard a literal pop sound.

That was how they found her, reading a book with four other stacked beside her. They were both breathing heavily, their hearts beating loudly as they looked at her in disbelief.

She didn't look up once, casually turning a page,

Naruto leaned his shoulder on the book shelf, sighing in relief as he looked at her while Sakura crashed on her knee, holding her head as she calmed herself down.

The little girl still didn't look up, once again turning a page as she casually asked.

"Tough day?"

Yeah, she had no idea.

<Pls Let me know if you see any spelling mistakes I didn't check, SOOO SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE!! this chapter is, in fact, not complete, but I felt so immensely guilty that I had to post something.>

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