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Kana and sai sat next to each other, they just reached Konoha from yet another mission,

They have to make a report directly to the Hokage, but it seems she was busy at the moment.

All she heard was that some guy had come back to village after so long, so she guessed that he was someone very important to her.

So important that she had to make them wait for the next 30 minutes,

Even if she was annoyed, the little girl kept her blank face.

She just wanted to get back to the orphanage and sleep.

Oh yeah she was STILL in the orphanage by the way.

As stupid as it sounds, the Hokage refused to let her live alone.

The Hokage believed that making the girl live alone will only bring her a growning loneliness, guess she was too busy with the conflict between all the village to realize that the orphanage in which she stays at is by far the most abusive one in the village.

Tsunade has actually started becoming more and more protective of the little girl, Kana liked it.. Tsunade was one of the very few people that she'd feel comfortable enough to drop her respectful prodigy act.

The lady hokage felt so very guilty for making her kill at the age of 5.

Hell, even Tsunade was having fun at that age, happily gambling away with her grandfather.

Tsunade would always treat her as a child, but the other anbus respected and treated her equally her as a fellow shinobi.

She was never allowed to go on solo missions after that incident.

Kana didn't complain, less work and same payment for her anyways.

Kana didn't have to starve anymore, she made her own money so she could get her own food,

Altought the anbus maintain a strict policy, they do sometimes let it slip

It was nice for them,

Having someone so innocent and pure around them, most of the other anbus felt the same.

It was nice for them to take a break from all the evilness, all the coldness, all the murder and blood.

It was like..

She's the single match stick of fire in a snow storm

And eveyone were so desperate to keep it burning healthily.

The little girl sighed, she glanced at sai to see him reading something,

<idk how sai ended being her teammate, just go with the plot pls 🙏>

She glanced back at the road, she noticed something,

There were two people across from her, a male and a female.

They were leaning against and tree and were sucking each other's mouth,

Kana cringed at the thought,

She wondered if they were mentally ok.. having someone elses salive in your mouth willingly is something only a mad person would desire.

Just the thought made her want to drink a sanitizer.

With a slightly disturbed expressionon her usual blank face, she turned around and pulled on her teammate's shirt sleeve,

Somehow the only other person whom she could actually feel free is with sai.

Both of them had some kind of problems that they deal with, but one mutual problem is that they cannot understand how to fully express their emotions,

So both would totally look clueless when it comes to normal things,

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