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The little girls Anbu senses kicked it as she swiftly caught the hand that was nearing her face. 

She blinked her teary eye at the stunned blonde infront of her, 

"Hey kid, are you alright?" 

Naruto mentally slapped himself for the question, ofcouse she wasn't alright! what was he thinking. 

When saw the small kid.. her head down, body hunched over swinging on an old swing in an abandoned playground at 2am, 

He knew something was wrong. 

When he got close, he noticed the Uchiha symbol on her clothes, he gulped at the visible injuries all over her limps.. his first thought was to call his pink hair teammate but he couldn't leave a child all alone here.

He knew where this was going. 

she didn't move or acknowledge him when she kneeled down infront of her, 

Naruto was about to tap her shoulder when she quickly caught his hand. 

"Hey kid, are you alright?" 

Kana blinked, she quickly discarded all of her current thought and focussed on how she should act, one corner of her brain formulated excuses as she calculated different ways to escape this situation. 

She quickly released his arm, noticing his familiar appearance and his Ninja head band, she realized that he was the guy who they bumped into this afternoon. 

He must be the guy who returned to the village, Hokage's favorite. 

She bowed and remained seated, she twisted her leg while running here.. she didn't want to get up and expose any more of her injuries to this guy. 

She didn't want to raise any suspicions, 

"I'm alright, thank you for you're concerns shinobi-san." she replied softly, her voice carrying a visibly sad tone that she never ever had before. 

Naruto frowned and slowly took her palm in his, 

She flinched hard and tried to cover it up, 

The little girl panicked, this had never happened before! she had never been able to NOT stop herself from flinching. 

All of her plans and formula's thrown out the window, she couldn't function properly.

She had never felt the urge to sob, 

no one has every worried about her this much, 

The Hokage and sai are the only people she ever knew in her small life. 

She was a smart kid, she is so responsible, she is a prodigy

Others would always introduce her as some kid who pooped out of her mothers stomach and started to weild a kunai. 

Between the path of Shinobi and the village, 

everyone around her forgot that she was still 5. 

she wanted to cry so much, 

she wanted to burst out crying the middle of the village when all the citizens mistreated her and when her classmates bullied her. 

She wanted to cry when she fell from on top of a large tree during her first ever training session, but her sensei had assumed that she would take it like a champ, she's a prodigy afterall.. so she quickly hid away her strained wrist and continued with her training. 

she wanted to sob, cry and scream her heart out, the night she came back from her first ever solo mission as a chunin. 

But everyone around her got so used to her blank face, they thought she had a very strong heart, they assumed that she was very carefree and didn't care when it comes to emotional stuff or insults. 

Oh but she cared, she cared so much it hurt her in every way. 

Uchiha Kana didn't even know that she wanted to cry till now, 

She herself had started to believe the rumors. 

She got so used to people telling her that she had no problems that she started to believe and live through that lie. 

Naruto carefully checked the little girls arms, he was very concerned. 

"What happened? did someone do this to you?" 

Kana lowered her head and frantically shook her head, 

"I-I was training, sorry for concerning you. It's really nothing. This happened all the time when I train!" 

Naruto stared at the burnt flesh on her skin, it was still very soft.. she had a long ways to go before she could lose her baby flesh, and it was already so bruised. 

"How did you get this  from training?"

Kana thought for a second,

"I was training my fire style jutsu.." she lied,

The Uzumaki knew this child, 

she would often pop up in his mind,

he could never forgot the picture he saw in sasuke's room when he and Sakura threw a surprise birthday party for him. 

He was so surprised, he only caught a small glance of the picture before his friend removed it and placed it somewhere else. 

That boy had the biggest grin ever, he looked like a completely different boy.. he looked so happy. 

He only caught a small glimps of the child on his shoulders, but he never forgot it.

That child was the only one in this whole damn world that made his teammate adore a grin so big on his face, 

Naruto cursed that teme before looking at the face of a very conflicted little kid.

He knew that Sasuke leaving the village would cause her trouble, 

"What about that kid in your photoframe!? she's also an uchiha! the villagers will hate her for your mistakes teme! Don't you know all this?! Don't ruin a kids life and just get back!" 

"She can deal with it, it would be a good way for her to learn to colden her heart.. someone as soft hearted as her is as good as dead in this world."

<when they were 13 btw> 

Her face was completely blank, eye's staring somewhere else, but she paid no mind to the falling tears or that the blood from her nose is staining her shirt. 

Naruto softly held both of her hands, 

"Then how do you explain the finger prints on your cheek?" his voice was low, a sad tone. 

when she didn't answer, he added.

"You're that Anbu kid aren't ya? I knew you're voice was too familiar..!" he gave his famous grin, but it soon dulled down. 

he softly gripped her hand, 

"Just tell me, I can help."

<Yuck this is kinda getting too dramatic and cringe but we'll see> 

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