Flight 165 • Florence Pugh

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Genre: Drama, Comedy, Slow-burn

The bustling crowd at the airport got Florence feeling anxious

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The bustling crowd at the airport got Florence feeling anxious. Dashing frantically with her carry-on luggage in hand, her heart pounded as she desperately tried to make it to her gate on time. Florence had been caught in a unexpected traffic and feared missing her flight, which was an important trip she couldn't afford to reschedule.

On the other hand, you were stepping out of the coffee shop, backpack slung across your chest as you held a steaming cup of coffee in your hands. Your job consisted of traveling all the time, so you had gotten used to the mayhem of airports.

Seeing people struggle to find their gates, removing items because their baggage went out of the limit, passports being forgotten at home, TSA workers annoyed all the time—or people rushing down the airport to catch their flights—was the norm around here.

You always had a routine: get to the airport early, get yourself checked-in, buy a cup of coffee, and spend the rest of the time in the cozy coffee shop working on your laptop until it was time to board.

"Flight 165 to France, Paris, is now boarding at Gate 5. Please proceed to the boarding area promptly, and have a pleasant journey!"

Your plane was announced through the intercoms.

Another normal day, or so you thought...

The trajectory of you stepping out of that coffee shop with Florence hurried steps, the inevitable collision occurred.

The force of the impact sent your coffee flying, splattering all over your shirt and leaving a visible stain. You gasped in surprise, not comprehending what just happened.

Florence equally taken aback, couldn't spare a moment for apologies as she snapped, "Watch where you're going! You shouldn't be standing in the middle of the walkway!"

You tried to maintain your composure, but the woman was not being very respectful and so you gave her the same energy, retorting, " Maybe if you weren't running like a maniac, this wouldn't have happened! You should be more careful!"

Both of you glared at each other, each feeling justified in their anger. However, Florence rushed off, not sparing another thought for you.

" Idiot!," You yelled at her.

Meanwhile, You tried to clean up the mess as best as you could, grateful that the stain was not too noticeable on your dark T-shirt.

The chaos of the airport made it easy for you to lose sight of her, and Florence eventually made it to her gate just in time. Breathing a sigh of relief, she entered the plane, placed her carry-on luggage on the overhead bin and found her seat.

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