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IT WAS A LONG FLIGHT HOME FOR THE LOUISVILLE GIRLS, along with a long week ahead of them. Long classes and even longer practices. Already preparing for their next game against Iowa.

Hailey was also starting to let her guard down with the brunette, which is very rare for her. Ever since they flew back into town though, she's acted distant with the blonde. She makes an excuse any time plans are brought up or they invite her over.

Truth is she was scared. Scared of what this could becoming, or more importantly what it couldn't be. She knows she can't be with her even if she wanted to, why risk getting hurt?

hailey's pov

I couldn't get the last couple of days out of my mind. The cold interactions, her packing up early to get out as soon as she could. Coach even told us she chose to not continue playing with our team when we got back.

Which I mean I can understand I guess it's not for everyone, but we all saw her out on that court the other night. Something's not right.

We finished up practice early, and while everyone else took their time, I left as soon as I could. Sweaty practice uniform and all. Running through Kueber Center to hopefully catch up to her.

I walk up to her slowly as she's placing her equipment bags in her backseat. She must feel me walking up because she turns around before I get to her, blank faced and pale.

"I don't have time for this right now Van Lith." She sighed, shutting the door.

She grabbed the handle of her driver side door, my hand covering the opening, making her unable to open it.

She looks back up at me, harsh eyes, and a tired look. "I just need 2 minutes."

She sighed, titling her head, waiting for me to go.

"I know we never got off on the right foot but-" I scratch my head. "I thought we had something, For at least a moment, and I was okay with it."

Her face softens, eyes still piercing through my soul.

"If you need space that's fine, if you need anything that's fine, I just want to know what's up with you. I know it's not like it's any of my business, not like we were together. I don't want to mess this up." I spoke softly.

She waited and made sure I was finished before she turned my life upside down, "Look. We need to stop this. We're clearly not going to be anything, and I'm saving myself from the pain. Is that what you wanted to hear? I'm trying to help you and stay out of your way."

"What do you mean by this?" I choked up, feeling my heart breaking into pieces.

"The fucking around. The flirting. The whatever we're doing Hailey." She said looking down, now refusing to look at me. "I don't care if you go back to hating me if that's easier."

I quickly wipe a tear as I feel it fall. God don't let her see you cry Hailey.

"Can I go now?" Her voice staggered, still refusing to look at me.

"Yeah." I open her door, letting her in and closing the door for her. She wastes no time getting out. I watch from a distance as she backs out and disappears.

I walk back up to building, wiping my face with my jersey not being able to control the tears. I'm met with Alexia and Payton looking at me concerned.

"Hails, are you good?" Alexia asked, stopping me before I could walk past her.

I couldn't say anything to them, especially not now. I just cried in her shoulder for a moment.

"Let's get home." She says, wrapping her arm around my shoulder as we get to her car.

I laid in bed for hours. I tried everything to go to sleep but my mind wants to keep her in my head. She was right we wouldn't work out and it was for the best. I couldn't help but hurt though.

I toss and turn thinking about how easy I fell asleep when she'd be next to me. By now it was past 4 in the morning and there was no sleeping at this point.

I get up from my bed and go to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I watch myself in the mirror, imagining her next to me or sitting on the sink like she usually did, trying to grab me and get me to fold and kiss her, which usually worked.

I walk to my closet, slipping on a uconn hoodie, the one she obviously left here. Making my way to the kitchen to make breakfast I check my phone, opening instagram her being the first post I see.

 Making my way to the kitchen to make breakfast I check my phone, opening instagram her being the first post I see

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liked by clairebear101, hvl10, playboylexi, and 23 others

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liked by clairebear101, hvl10, playboylexi, and 23 others

vip.tay unconditional <3

view all ^^

clairebear101 I miss you sis 🥺
vip.tay I miss you more cece

playboylexi stopp the way hails looks at you in that picture
vip.tay 😕😕

pbuckets Tay keeps it real 💯
vip.tay always 🤭

hvl10 you always get the best pics of me swear

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