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I heard her dark raspy voice call after me but I just kept going. I wasn't ready to face her, I wasn't ready to face what I had done.

I ran back to my dorm which was only a block away, sweaty and panting as I get into my room as fast as I could. I was the only one in the dorm at this hour, it was quite peaceful because I don't have very many moments like these. I plop on the couch face first, just thinking.

How am I going to fix this if I can't even look her in the eye?

I sigh, grabbing the remote and flipping through the few channels we get along with answering Roman's concerned texts back wondering where I am.

Hey where the hell are you

You good? You disappeared

It's almost 4th and your gf got benched

Something came up I had to dip sorry

not this again tay

I got through a couple episodes of criminal minds before there was a knock at the door. Surely the girls weren't back already, were they?

I get off the couch, in hopes one of them just forgot something. I unlock the door and crack it open seeing the blonde on the other side.

She cracks a faint smile and scratches her head, "can we take a walk?"

I immediately shut the door back, her catching her foot in the door stopping it.

"please." she pleaded, a crack in her voice telling me everything I needed to know. "just give me a chance to make this right."

I sighed, resting my head against the door. "Don't you have a game to be at Hailey?"

I heard her chuckle softly, "I did, until I started to play like shit and couldn't focus when coach told me not to come back till I get this fixed."

I furrow my eyebrows, swinging the door back open, my eyes hesitantly meeting hers once again. "He really said that?"

"Yeah, wasn't exactly the first time either."

I paused for a moment, taking a deep breath "okay. let me get my shoes."

"Look I don't know what I did, but whatever it is I'm- I'm sorry okay." She looked down, playing with her fingers. She always did that when she was nervous.

"You didn't do anything Hailey." I sighed, pulling her to sit with me on the bench we passed.

"Then why do you keep avoiding me?" She looked up at me, tears filling her eyes.

I feel my heart break, not able to look the sad blonde in the eye. "I just- I thought it would be easier."

"What would be easier?" She asked, resting her hand on mine.

"Losing you. I thought it would be better for the both of us, I didn't want to hold you back, and I guess I was so scared of you hurting me or us not working out that I thought leaving before you could would be the best."

"Look, I know we didn't start out on the best foot with each other, but I would never do anything to hurt you Taylor, never. I dont know what to do without you. I haven't been able to sleep in days because everytime I close my eyes, we're still together. I know I may have confused you, but I can promise you now, it's you." She says softly, holding back her tears.

"I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you." I choked out. "I mean you're Hailey Van Lith, you could have anyone you wanted, I guess I just could've never seen you choosing me."

"I would choose you every single time, and if I have to live the rest of my life proving that I will. I know I could probably have any girl or guy I wanted but I only want you, and I only ever will want you love."

I can't look at her, after everything I just feel guilty. I hurt her just because I was scared. Her finger making contact with my chin, pulling me up to look at her. "Please, you have to believe me." She choked up, scanning my eyes back and forth.

"I believe you Hails." I breathed out, wiping the tears falling from my eyes.

"Can I hug you?" She asked gently. I agreed, sitting up on her lap as she wraps her arms around me tightly, my head resting on her shoulder.

"You don't know how much I missed this." She mumbled into my neck.

I hear rumbling in the sky as the dark clouds cover the sky, "we should probably go love." I say, feeling little rain droplets hit my face.

The rain quickly picked up on the walk back to the dorms, quickly soaking the both of us. We ran on our way back till we met with the dorm campus.

"It's getting late, don't you think you should get back." I ask, looking over at her.

"They still got like 15 minutes atleast." She smiled, moving my wet hair out of my face. "Plus I have things more important right now." She kept her smile, licking her lips.

"You know I've always wanted to kiss you in the rain." She smirked, and I bit my lip. "What's stopping you then?"

She smiled again, crashing her wet lips into mine. Her rough hands meeting my waist, gripping me closer to her. My arms snake around her neck pulling her even closer, gasping at the contact of her cold and wet body against mine.

She pulls away from me breathless, smiling as she rests her head on mine. "Would you maybe wanna come in?" I asked.

"Of course."

We dried ourselves off changing into new clothes and I climbed into my bunk, her following close behind cuddling up onto me as I pull the covers over us.

I run my fingers through her still wet hair as she lays on my chest, but I couldn't help but stay in my head.

"What are you thinking about love?" She asked softly, now looking up at me.

"So what does this mean for us?" I asked.

She paused and thought for a moment, "well, I think that I don't want to go another day without being able to call you mine."  She smiled, tracing my jaw with her finger.

We lock eyes, "yours only?" I ask hesitantly.

"You're mine and I'm only yours." She said tiredly, pecking my lips and resting her head into the crook of my neck.

I smile to myself. This is it, this is all I need. Her by my side. Now she's finally mine.

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