coffee jelly and hatred

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After I get home from another long day of school, I grab my phone and stare at it for a second. 'That really pretty girl, Teruhashi, asked ME if I wanted to go to the cafe with HER? Maybe the world does love me.' I pick out an outfit for the trip and text Teruhashi to confirm a time and place.



4.30pm "Hey! What time was the meetup again?"

T: "hi ^^!! it's at 5, at that cafe close to the school!" 4.31pm

4.31pm "Awesome. Thanks Teruhashi!"

T: "oh actually, would it be alright if i invited one of my friends?" 4.31pm

4.32pm "Sure!! Whatever works for you :) see you then!"


L/N end up getting here a few minutes late. 'Teruhashi didn't tell me THIS is who she invited.'

"L/N! Hi!!" Teruhashi calls out to her "This is Saiki, he's the one I told you I'd be bringing!!"

'Hairclip guy is Teruhashi's friend?? He didn't strike me as the type' L/N thinks.

'That's rude, I have a name' I retaliate, not wanting to say it out loud.

"Hi Saiki, Hi Teruhashi!! Sorry I'm late, I hope you weren't waiting to long" She says, looking around.

"It's no problem!" Teruhashi responds. Of course I know that she doesn't mean that. She only invited L/N to further the perfect pretty girl act, she has no real interest in the poor girl.

After making some chitchat Teruhashi leads us into the restaurant and we find a table. L/N sits across from me, leaving me stuck next to Teruhashi. 'They better at least have coffee jelly.' I only agreed to come because she asked in public. I couldn't say no to her in public, my likeability would take a sizeable hit.

'What do I get.. it all looks so.. sugary.Blegh...'. 'That tends to happen.' I don't have much time to think before both L/N and I make eye contact for a second before she looks away. 'Wait. On second thought. Coffee jelly? That's too interesting of a name, I have to!' L/N declares to herself before, right on cue, the waiter comes over.

After we take our orders, L/N continues to ponder about hers. 'Coffee and jelly is a weird combo, maybe it works?' 'It does. Good choice, L/N.'



Our food gets here and I eye my jelly suspiciously. 'Saiki got one and he seems to like it.. It should be fine. Saiki you better not be screwing me over' after I finish my thought I eat my first bite and it's.... Gross! 'EUGH how can he eat this stuff with a straight face..' I think to myself, not realizing I'd just made a new enemy.

I look up and pretend to like it, it'd be rude otherwise, and catch Saiki giving me some scary look again... Does he always have to do that.... 'It doesn't matter, it's only one serving.. Maybe I can just give it to Saiki instead since he likes them? Would that be weird?' without giving myself time to second guess, I slide the coffee jelly over to Saiki

"This isn't really my cup of tea, do you want it instead so it doesn't go to waste?" I ask him.

He nods a thank you and goes on enjoying his treats while I could swear I see Teruhashi glare at me too. 'What's with all the looks tonight, did I do something??' Deciding to drop the topic, I check the time and realize it's about 6:45.

"Welp, that's my cue to leave, thanks for inviting me out! Teruhashi, let me know what I owe you for tonight alright?" I say while I grab my stuff

"Don't worry about the money, L/N! It was my treat :) Byebye!!" Teruhashi replied with her usual peppy attitude. 'I wonder what that was about earlier.'

Uh oh...! // SAIKI K X READERWhere stories live. Discover now