baby sensory kusuo

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Y/N hasn't come to school for the last three days. She keeps insisting that she's sick, which is why she won't let me in her house, but I know she's lying. She's been having a really bad depressive episode. I can't even help her, she keeps her bedroom locked which is basically the only place she spends her time recently.

Usually if she wanted to be alone this badly I'd let her, but she's been having some concerning thoughts and impulses as well. I'm not going to specify what because she hasn't acted on them, but they aren't good.

I could hardly focus on class today, I kept paying attention to her thoughts to make sure I didn't need to go visit her. Thankfully most of what she did today was sleep.

After school I rush home, I'm going to visit her today whether she likes it or not... even if it means doing something that is definitely weird.


As I lay around feeling sorry for myself I suddenly hear a knock on the door. It's probably Kusuo, he's been trying to visit but I keep telling him I'm really sick and don't want him to get infected.

Scanning my floor I'm unsurprised to see that it's getting really messy. I used to be so on top of keeping my room clean but for the last month I just haven't had the motivation. There's dirty dishes stacked near my nightstand and clothes all over the floor. If Kusuo saw this I think I'd just end my life. I'm joking, obviously, but I would be really embarrassed. Suddenly I'm torn from my thoughts by a knock, but not on the door this time.

'Someone is knocking on my window. Someone is knocking on my window. What do I do? Do I peek? They shouldn't be able to see me where I am? I'm going to peek.. what if I get murdered? Eh free ticket out of here, I'm gonna peek."

I slowly look over at the window and.. 'KUSUO?? WHAT THE FUCK IS HE DOING HERE?'

I hear him say "Let me in." with strange clarity for someone on the other side of a glass window.

"Go away. I'm sick."

"I don't care, let me in."

"Just go home, Kusuo, I'll be fine." I say, noticing him looking at my room. Immediately I feel my stomach drop and I try to rush him away with more fervour.

"I can take care of myself, just go home! I'll text you!"

"Let me in."

"You just won't take no for an answer will you?"

"I won't. Let me in before I break the window myself."

'Is he serious? I really don't want him here, I'm disgusting and my room is disgusting and I do not have the energy to entertain a guest, even if the guest is Kusuo.'

"...Fine. Just don't say anything rude."

"I wasn't going to."

After I let him in he hugs me.

"? Why are you hugging me?" I act like I don't enjoy it, I forgot how nice human contact felt.

"I've been worried about you." After he mutters those words I feel my stomach drop again. Was I too obvious? God I feel like an attention seeker or something right now, I should probably get him to leave.

"I'm fine, won't your mother be worried if you don't come home?"

"Stop trying to make me leave, it won't work."

"What.. I'm not" I totally am.

"When was the last time you ate?"

'That's a good question, I've been forgetting to eat. Guess it just hasn't been a priority these past few days. I think last time I ate was.. yesterday morning? Well I definitely can't tell him that, he'll worry more than he already has..'

"This morning." Good job, me, that was really convincing with the long pause before you answered.

"I'm making you food. What do you want?"

"I don't want anything, I'm not hungry."

"You do and you are. What do you want?"

".... Waffles would be nice.."

"There you go." He says before picking me up and taking me to the living room. He turns on my favorite show and gives me a bottle of water as well as something to distract my hands with. It's like he thinks I'm a toddler or something...... I'd hate that more if this wasn't working. I feel more at ease than I have for the last week.

"..Thank you Kusuo"

"Sit tight, okay?"

"You're acting different today. Why?"

"Because I'm worried about you and want to make sure you're being taken care of. Maybe I'd be more normal if you answered any attempts at contact from the last few days."

He's right. I've been on my phone, sure, but as far as messaging back friends? Forget about it. I don't have the energy to hold conversations with any of them over text let alone in person.

"You're such a sweetheart aren't you~" I tease, hoping to get him to have a normal conversation with me instead of just worrying.


Damn it, he didn't take the bait. Weird as it may be, but I really don't like it when people worry about me. I always end up feeling guilty for it. Especially right now, when my best friend is taking extreme care of me and I couldn't so much as text him back.

He's so nice to me, really I don't understand why. He doesn't seem to be the loving type from how he treats his other friends, so why is he doing all this for me? He's so attentive to the things I enjoy, I mean he knew exactly what to do to calm me down while he makes my favorite breakfast.

'I don't deserve someone as kind as him.. He deserves someone who can do those things back for him.'

I didn't notice that I'd started crying until I felt Kusuo sit next to me and rub my back.

"Say ah"

"What-" I begin, pausing once I see a bite of waffle on the fork. God damn him, he even remembered exactly what I like on them. That sweet bastard.

"I can feed myself.." Oops.. that was meant to sound more thankful than it was. Instead it just sounded rude.

"And I can feed you too, open."

I do as he says and he feeds me the first bite of waffle.

"I just wanted to make sure you got started on them, you can eat at your own pace now."



"Why are you doing this all for me..? I mean, I'm really grateful, but why? It's not like I've been the best person towards you.."

"Shut up."

"What??" His sudden command took me by surprise. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean t--"


"..." I do as he says, not wanting to upset him.

"I'm not going to sit here and let you talk down on yourself right now, okay? I'm here because I care about you. I don't care if you think you deserve it or not, I care that you are okay. Now, keep watching your show okay? Amd after you finish the waffles you're going to go take a shower for as long as you need."

"You're making plans for me now?" I ask lightheartedly, feeling at least a bit better in his presence. Obviously I'm still not doing well, but him being here is making it a bit easier to deal with.

"Yes, because I know you'll get stuck if you don't have a plan of what to do next."

"God you know me too well.. can you hug me again?" I cringe asking. That's such an awkward question.

Instead of responding with words, he turns me toward him and gives me a gentle hug.

"Tell me when to let go."

Uh oh...! // SAIKI K X READEROpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz