i remember how the pillows felt like clouds (or was it the other way around?)

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This is going to turn into a problem. Y/N keeps thinking vaguely romantic things about me. Granted, she denies them immediately, but it's still concerning. I don't think I like her like that, so she's in dangerous territory. I'll ask Aiura about it another time.

"Oh Kusuooooooooo... come here..." She calls from the kitchen. I already know the surprise, it's strawberry cake.

When I walk into the kitchen I see her smile and set down her coffee, turning to open the fridge. This is the second best moment of my life (First was when we ate the expensive coffee jellies and stargazed).

The cake is delicious by the way. Absolutely exquisite, I couldn't be happier with it. Y/N kept stealing pieces of mine so of course I had to steal hers too, leading to us essentially just eating each other's slices.

"I made the cake myself! It's a good thing it turned out, I was worried it wouldn't.." She pauses and chuckles, taking another bite of MY slice, "I'm not exactly known for my skill in the kitchen."

"You made this? Good job." Of course I already knew she made it, she stayed up all of last night just to make sure it was perfect. I had to stay awake and listen the whole time.

My compliment wasn't worth it though because when she looked up at me and smiled, I could feel my heart doing flips. I don't know how to place the feeling but all I know is that it's new and I'm not a fan. Not a fan at all.

"You good Ku? You look red" She teases. She knows it's blush, she just wants to mess with me and it's working.

"Don't call me that, and I'm fine."

She looks at me and smirks, "Maybe you need to go to bed early, should I call your mommy to have her pick you up?"

"I don't, you shouldn't, and I live quite literally a few steps away from you."

"Whatever" She rolls her eyes at me and takes the last piece of my slice. 'Oh it's on.' I grab her plate from her hands and hold it above my head, looking down at her efforts to bring my arm down without knocking the plate over.

Suddenly she tugs my shirt down a little too hard and we both come crashing to the floor. 'Damn it, I could've avoided this if I was paying a little more attention'

Somehow, her thoughts pausing alerted me more than the sound of the plate breaking did. 'Why did her thoughts go quiet? Did she get knocked o--'

I see why, we landed in quite an awkward position. I'm propped up just over her, but both of us are laying on the floor. On top of eachother. Oh my god.

I rush to get off as soon as I realize, deciding to change the topic to the broken plate. Sadly the plate wasn't on the forefront of her mind. I'm sure you can guess what was.

"Sorry, I broke your plate."

"..Yeah.." She's kind of just... laying on the floor... she hasn't moved yet.

"I'll clean it up for you"

"...Yeah......" Lord how long does it take this girl to process things? Not that I have room to talk, I'm definitely still dealing with the effects of it. Most prominently, the fact that I'm probably blushing really hard and I can feel my heart practically beating out of my chest.

'Is this how love feels..? No, that's a silly question. It just caught me off guard, that's why I feel like this.' I think to myself, hearing a certain female have a very similar dialogue with herself.


Okay maybe I was lying about the similar part, but I swear that behind all the 'oh my god's there's a monologue about her heart rate and emotions. You just have to believe me I guess.

I reach down and offer her my hand, "Get up."

Instead of accepting the offer, she glances around and spots the broken place, earning a "NNNOOOOOOOOOO GOD WHY?"

"Stop yelling and get up. I'm tired of holding my arm out." I say, finally causing her to pull herself up.

"That was one of my nice plates..." She frowns, looking at the shards on the floor.

As I go to respond I hear a horrible buzzing from the living room. Me and Y/N share a glance, seeming to come to the same bug-like conclusion. She, in an effort to be brave for me, slinks towards the couch at a snail's pace. Heaving a sigh of relief, she waves her phone in my view to signal that there was no bug. Thank god, I've had enough insect-related panics today.

The person calling was her friend. Y/N looks at me to see if she could call for just a few minutes. Shrugging, I indicate that I don't care. I genuinely don't, they call every Friday to update eachother on their lives.

As soon as she answers the call, her friend is practically screaming into the phone.


"SHHH I only have two ears. Preserve them."

"You're being dramatic and frankly wrong. TELL ME did you figure out if you like that guy yet? I think you d-"

She is cut off by Y/N turning on her camera, revealing me standing directly behind her staring at the phone.

"...Oh" Is all the friend could muster.

"Hi." I say, mentally facepalming at the situation I now find myself in. Instead of engaging any further, I sit on the couch and try to focus on my own phone.

Y/N is quick to end the call and go run a lap around her house. Might seem weird, but whenever she's embarrassed she gets full of energy and has to do something to get rid of it. Usually she chooses to run laps in her house. It's kind of endearing, in a strange unmedicated way.

The rest of the night goes by pretty normally, mostly Y/N and I teasing eachother and playing games. By the time she's tired I'm still fine, but she drags me up to her room anyways.

"Why'd you bring me? I'm sleeping on the couch, aren't I?" I ask, probably looking more annoyed than I am.

"I feel bad for always making you sleep on my gross couch when my bed has more than enough room for the both of us." She mutters, cleaning up a few items on her floor.

Normally I'd reject this offer, but here's the thing, her bed is unnaturally comfortable. I don't know what witchcraft happened with it but I'm not passing up a chance to sleep in that slice of heaven. As long as we can maintain space we should be fine, but that's where the issue comes in. Y/N is drawn to warmth like a moth to light, and it only gets worse when she's tired.

Whatever, if something happens I'll deal with it. Not like we haven't hugged before, and honestly she's the one person who I don't exactly mind physical contact from.

Laying down, I'm immediately tired and falling asleep. Heaven is a bedroom, and her bed is proof.


end is a tv girl reference because im ILL IN THE HEAD

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