oh shit

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Remember a few chapters ago when I said that I'd ask Aiura about romantic shit? Well I'm doing it today. After last night my head has been a mess and who better to ask than my local 'soulmate'? I don't think she's actually my soulmate or whatever, definitely not romantically, but since she knows about that stuff she's my safest bet.

Walking into the cafe we agreed to meet at, I see her already sitting in a corner booth.

"Hey Saiki! Finally asking me on a date huh?" She smirks

"Not even close. There's some things I want to talk to you about relating to dates though... I guess."

Before I can even take a breath she lets out the biggest and most dramatic gasp ever. I wince at the commotion being caused and pause.

'This is the cafe Y/N and I went to a while ago.. she also caused a ruckus.'

"You good Saiki?"

"Deja vu."

"Got it. Anyways what did you do. What poor girl did you brainwash this time?"

"No brainwashing happened, why is that your first conclusion? No, I want you to describe to me how love feels."

"WHAT? Who is this angel I have to meet her."

"Just answer me please." I look at her and sigh "Then you can meet her."

Having her conditions fulfilled, Aiura starts spouting off a bunch of things about feelings and your heart and brain and wants and desires, yadda yadda you get the idea.

Going pale as she rattles on I come to a realization.

Y/N makes me feel all of this.




"I really love her."


mini chapter because i need the plot to advance desperately

Uh oh...! // SAIKI K X READERWhere stories live. Discover now