SLEEPOVER! (Part One..)

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My new favorite thing is saying shit to Kusuo for shock value. He's sleeping over at my house tonight, so I want you to guess how I asked him to do that.

"Wanna sleep with me?"


"Yeah. Sleepover."

"Sure, fine, whatever. Don't phrase it like that, especially while we're in school."

"You're NO FUN."

Flashback over. You don't get to know the details of our conversation.

Anyways Kusuo is just SITTING ON HIS PHONE on my couch. The audacity, I'm not sure where he gets it. His parents are too lovely for that and his brother seems nice enough, although I haven't really talked to him one on one.


"Don't call me that."

"Ugh whatever. Kusuooo what do you want to do? I'm bored"

"Mario Kart?"

"Yes.. I have a winning streak to maintain."

"Winning streak of one?"

"It's gonna be two soon. Grab the controllers while I set the game up"

I hunch over my coffee table, searching for the god forsaken racing game. 'Where are you. You can't escape forever.'

Lord. It's on the very bottom shelf. I bend over to grab it only to find something horrible. A bug.

Kusuo also immediately notices and he runs up to my room. God I wish I could do the same.

"WE CAN TALK ABOUT THIS IT DOESNT HAVE TO END THIS WAY" I plead with it. Usually I wouldn't be THIS scared but it's the worst bug on the planet.. an earwig. I fucking hate earwigs. Someone could rob me with an earwig.

If there's one thing I know about Kusuo, however, it's that bugs terrify him to no end. Sucking in my breath I capture the earwig and throw it out the window. The day is saved thanks to my heroic work.

"Thank you." Kusuo says from behind me, holding my shoulder. He's really gentle about it.. that's a weird thing to think. Stop thinking that. Immediately.

"How did you even get back downstairs so fast??"

"None of your business."

"God I can't stand your ass. Be normal for once."

"I would love for nothing more. Now are we playing or not?"

"OH YEAH sit."

"I'm not a dog. You sit."

Unlike HIM I do as I'm told. He chuckles at my obedience and starts the game up.

Guess who kept her winning streak? It's me. I did.

I'm lying so bad. I lost to him so horribly I can never show my face again.

"Whatever. That didn't happen." I start messing with him but am rudely interrupted by a yawn.

"It's the middle of the afternoon how are you tired already?"

"Literally spent all night texting beautiful women who are lining up to date me. Not that YOU could relate."

"You were doomscrolling weren't you"


"Take a nap"




"Did it work?"


"Then yes I did."

"Just lying to you. I'm gonna go make some coffee."

A frown graced Kusuo's face and it took everything in me not to laugh at him. God I love that stupid face of his.

He's actually really nice now that I think about it. He's gentle with me, takes time for me, is understanding, and so much more. Just thinking about it makes me blush, which is weird. Do I like Kusuo? I don't think I do.. there's probably another explanation for the reason I feel like this around him.

SHORT CHAPTER Because I DONT WAN TO WRITE. i think ill Start including my Author notes from ao3 here too so you can get the full experience.

Uh oh...! // SAIKI K X READERWhere stories live. Discover now