regulatory temperatures

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PART OF THIS was made while i listened to the song above !! not saying you have to or anything it wont be life changing i just think its a cute song and you might like it :3


I made a vow to visit L/N less often. She didn't do anything, don't get me wrong, I just want to have more time to myself. Well, there is one other reason.

'I'm so jealous! How dare that good for nothing L/N steal Saiki away from me! I'll show her how irresistible I can be. Saiki will be sure to say "Oh wow!" to me soon and then it'll be over for L/N. Of course, I can't hold a grudge against her! It's only natural to come second to the perfect pretty girl, maybe she should try her luck with another boy. Sorry L/N but Saiki's mine.'

Do you understand yet? Teruhashi decided to start annoying me more to make me fall in love with her. Can't this arrogant girl consider that maybe I just don't like her? I'll have to find a way out of this all and fast.

She keeps thinking about L/N and I as though we are dating. I don't even like the poor girl and she doesn't like me either, if she did then she'd be severely disappointed anyways.


Saiki has been avoiding me recently. I don't know what I did, but I'm really bummed out over it. I've been trying to remind myself that he doesn't like people much and is probably just enjoying personal time, but it's been a week since he last came over.

At school I see him in the halls and run up, grabbing his arm to get his attention. I can feel his body tense at the sudden contact and I go to let go, but once he looks at me he eases up. Weird.



"Do you want to go out to a cafe later? I promise it'll just be us" After saying this I notice people looking at us and whispering which makes me second guess the idea.

"..or not? You can invite someone if you want, I don't care!" The words spew out of me like water until I give up and close my mouth.

"Sure, I'll go"

At those words I silently rejoice, plan dont let Saiki hate me is going swimmingly.


I had to make a choice between L/N and a possible rumor.

Sadly this means that my free time is basically dead, but at least I won't have to hear her moping. In case you've forgotten, that's the only reason I hang out with her. I'm not sure why, but my telepathy is especially connected to her. Meaning, I hear everything she thinks 24/7 really loud and I've discovered that (thanks to a recent trip to visit my grandparents) I can hear her even outside the 200m radius. I guess I'll just have to deal with the rumor later.


Once I get to the cafe, I see L/N sitting at a table in the corner. She's already ordered a coffee jelly for me and a small coffee for herself.

"SAIKI! OVER HERE!!" she shouts while she waves me down, making me wince at the commotion being caused.

As I approach I look her up and down. She's wearing a casual sort of dress, I think she showed it to me once because she was so excited to wear it.

"Your dress looks nice on you, it's cute." I say absentmindedly. Wait what if she interprets that wrong? Why do I even care?

I should mention that we are nearing the end of fall, if she's not careful she'll catch a cold. Without thinking to explain my thought process to her, I take off my hoodie and put it on her.

"Care to explain or should I just thank you..?" she asks as I finish zipping it up.

"It's cold out."

"Won't you want it then?"

"I'll be fine." I can manually raise my body temperature, she can't. Actually maybe she can, she's heating up a bit already. I reach my hand out to gauge if she's alright before I pause. What am I doing. I finally bring my awareness fully back to myself and her thoughts are loud and clear.

'OH MY GOD WHAT IS HE DOING WHY IS HE REACHING AT ME IS THERE SOMETHING ON MY FACE OH MY GOOD LORD WHY is he stopping why did he pause? Why was he reaching towards me in the first place? I should probably break the silence.'


"..Thanks for the coffee jelly."

"You're welcome, weirdo."

Instead of replying, I start to enjoy my delicious treat. I can feel a light blush begin to dust my cheeks. 'This must be really good coffee jelly'

Uh oh...! // SAIKI K X READERWhere stories live. Discover now