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"KUUUSUSSSSUUUOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!" Is what wakes me up before a ball of destructive energy bursts into my room and attacks me. By 'attacks me' I mean tackles me back down on the bed (I sat up when I heard screaming) and rolls me around like an alligator does when it's killing something.

Eventually I break free of Y/N's murderous rolling and, while still half asleep, mumble a series of sounds that aren't quite words before staring at her awaiting an answer.

"..say that one more time like I'm someone who exclusively speaks human languages."

"...Why are you here so early."

"DID YOU SERIOUSLY FORGET???!!!" She asks, grabbing my shoulders and shaking me to the best of her ability.


"..Oh yeah, I guess it is."


"Get off me first. I can't do anything with you death gripping me like that."

"You're no fun. Fine. I'm gonna go talk to your mom, come down when you're ready." She teased before bolting out of my room and downstairs. Taking the opportunity, I put on clean clothes and grab Y/N's presents out from under the bed.

As I'm walking downstairs I hear my mom start to ask the dreaded question.

"So L/N, how long have you and Ku been da—"

"Mom." I say sternly, trying to imply that we are just friends without having to explicitly say it again.

I think she misunderstood me. All she said was "Ohh... gotcha!" and winked at me. Wrong signal, Mom.

If you'll remember the chapter where Y/N and I went out to town, then you'll probably also remember that I went back and bought those figures she was looking at. Admittedly I also had a shopping trip alone so that I could get her gifts without having to be sneaky about them. I hope I didn't mess up too bad.

Y/N excitedly reaches and pulls out a small wrapped box. Inside is an assortment of cutesy hair clips and bracelets.

"I know it's unexpected BUT YOU NEED TO HEAR ME OUT!!!!!!!! I think you'd look so cute in th—"

Her explanation is cut off by my brother barging in. I forgot he could do that.

"Hello family! Oh- and friend?" He studies her appearance for a moment "Ah, you're Kusuo's friend right?"


"You can call me Kusuke!" He's preoccupied. He is trying to figure out ways to use her to annoy me. I can't hear his thoughts or anything, it's just something he'd do.

"Say, are you close with my brother perchance?"

"Kusuke. Don't be weird."

"I'm not! You expect so little of me, I'm hurt!" He isn't. He's not hurt at all. He's making fun of me.

Y/N can sense the tension. It's barely there but she keeps thinking of ways to make things better without the possibility of it getting worse. Eventually she decides to just start doing shit and thinking later, which sucks because now I can't predict her actions. Very dangerous when it comes to her.

"KUSUO THERE'S STILL MORE GIFTS CMON CMON" she exclaims, handing me another box. She's smiling. She's smiling so hard.

"Hold on a second." I say before fixing one of the hair clips to my head. She smiles even harder. I'm smiling back.

"YOU'RE SUCH A CUTIE PIE NOW. Heh. I eat cutie pies for DESSERT. Get ready.. Get set.." She starts to rant to herself

"Y/N if you want to race me can we at least wait until we're outside?"

"No.. My racing spirit... it's gone, Kusuo. BUT MY CHRISTMAS SPIRIT ISN'T, OPEN OPENNN THE BOX"

"You change topics too easily." I tease her before opening the next box. It's a jacket. My jacket..? No, a new version of the one I gave her. She's so sweet.

"Your turn." I say, handing her a series of small boxes. They are all the figures she looked at in the store.


"Pick a story and stick with it. I saw you eyeing these when we were in town so I got them."

She runs up and hugs me really tight. I'm blushing. She's smiling. I'm smiling.

Kusuke is still here. Shit.

Uh oh...! // SAIKI K X READERWhere stories live. Discover now