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Lando and the gang were making their way back to HeadQuarters to restock and figure out what to do with Eren. Mikasa let go of Eren since they figured out he was alive, it seemed unhealthy to be this attached.

They all got there and there were soldiers waiting for them. Not good.

"You are to hand over Eren Jaeger." The one in charge said.

Lando knew this was going to happen; he wasn't going to fight for Eren; he was too unstable he could turn into a Tian and eat him.

Mikasa and Armin shuffled Eren away to protect him while the rest of them went away as well as getting slapped with a confidentiality order.

When they got there someone in charge yelled about prepping up and remaining on standby.

Lando walked over to the table where everyone was but he seated as far away from anyone as possible, he grabbed his journal to finish his drawing of when they were at the resupply depot, everyone shooting the Titans.

Yimir and Christa walked over to everyone asking what happened, Conny told them about what happened keeping the Eren Titan part out of there.

"...And that's how we got a hold of some gas and got out of Trost." Conny finished.

"You went through all of that?" Christa asked. "I'm sorry, we kept volunteering to help resupply you guys, but...."

"We'd even managed to secure some gas, too." Yimir said.

After hearing that Lando was pissed, he didn't have to go through all of this if they had let them resupply them. He could be all nice and cozy right now relaxing by a tree.

"D-Does that mean everyone who isn't here is...?" Christa said.

"Yeah..." Conny said.

"Even Mikasa?" Yimir asked.

Conny didn't know what to say so he decided to get help from someone else.

"Ask Lando he was in the rear guard with her." Conny said.

Now Christa and Yimirs attention was now on him, he hated that.

"Lando is Miaksa alive?" Christa asked.

"Yes she is alive for now at least a gag order was placed. We can't say anything, any other questions?" Lando said.

"The news is going to spread across mankind like wildfire. Assuming mankind lasts long enough, anyway." Jean says.

"Why didn't you retreat with the rearguard?" Yimir asked.

"Mikasa went awol and I went to make sure she didn't do anything stupid, but when Erens is involved you can't control her." Lando said.

"That's why you guys were over with us." Jean says.

"I should've just retreated would've saved me a whole lot of trouble." Lando says.

"I am damn glad you didn't" Conny said. "Don't think we would've survived without you or Mikasa."

"How many Titan kills did you get?" Yimir asked.

"18." Lando replied.

Now everyone there was staring at Lando with a gasp.

"How did you even kill 18?" Conny said.

"I move around quickly, as well as my spinning attack is what i like to call it." Lando said.

"I wish I knew how to do that everytime I try I almost die. It probably helps that you are already a master of the ODM gear." Jean says.

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