Awkward Conversations

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Lando woke up and had a good night's rest which was something he hadn't had in years, he opened his eyes and nobody was there. Lando thought it was strange but didn't pay it too much mind, he opened the door to the bedroom and Levi was standing against the wall.

"Good morning," Levi said.

"Good morning..." Lando said groggy.

"You woke up late," Levi commented.

"Should've woken me up," Lando says.

"I thought about it," Levi says.

"Thanks, I guess," Lando said. "Where is everyone?"

"Everyone is eating breakfast," Levi said. "Or I think."

"I'll get something too," Lando said. "When is our next operation?"

"I don't know yet," Levi said. "But today the Scouting corps had a meeting with Historia."

"Good luck with that," Lando said. "New Historia is a little too energetic for me."

"Yeah..." Levi said.

Lando started to walk away.

"Oh," Levi said and Lando turned around. "Here."

Levi threw Lando a key.

"It's a key for my office here," Levi explained. "If you ever wanted to go in there."

"Thanks, Dad," Lando said.

"You're uh..welcome," Levi said.

Levi watched as Lando walked off into the distance.

"This is harder than I thought..." Levi thought.

"Wow." Lando thought. "It's hard to converse with people."

Lando entered the kitchen and felt everyone's eyes on him.

"Not sitting in here today." Lando thought.

He grabbed his food and sped walked out of there and made his way to his Dad's office. Lando shut the door behind him and sat at the table there, he took out his journal while he was eating and relooked at a lot of the pages and drawings he had written.

Lando eventually finished breakfast, cleaned up the table and went to take a shower, he finished his shower and went back to the office.

The Scouts had a free day so he got to work on finishing a lot of his drawings that were half done or just sketched, he has had no time to do any of this since the Scouts became fugitives.

Minutes slowly turned into hours as Lando was engrossed with his drawings when he heard the door unlock and Levi walked in.

"How'd it go?" Lando asked.

Levi sighed.

"Historia wanted a lot of stuff done but the main thing that I supported was establishing an orphanage for children, especially from the Underground and the edge of the walls."

"That's not bad," Lando said. "The government really had that money for something like that and never used it?"

"Nope," Levi said. "They stuffed their pockets instead."

"Of course they did," Lando said.

"By the way..." Levi asked. "When is your birthday?'

"April 17," Lando said.

"2 months ago," Levi said. "Why didn't you say anything?"

"Would anybody have celebrated with me?" Lando asked.

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