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The sound of Titans being crushed by Trost's giant sledge went silent...as snow began to stick. When the snow began to melt, the military announced that Wall Maria had been cleansed of Titans. By the time humanity began retiring the elevators of Trost and started work to pave the main road. The flowers were budding and the butterflies were dancing. Refugees were permitted roughly one year following the attack on Trost District. And so, six years after the Colossal Titan's first attack...the Scouts once again resumed expeditions past Wall Maria.

A raven-haired boy was one of those Scouts

"It's just like you thought Hange." Levi said. "The Titans inside Wall Maria were pretty much all of them. We thinned out the majority in just a single year."

"Well, thanks to you Lando and Mikasa it only took that long," Hange said. "Now let's head straight to your target as planned."

Lando rode on his horse Hachiman, the last year had been relaxing for him. Or well, the most relaxation you can get being a Scout. As he was riding Lando was making a map he started to do this every time the Scouts went out from Wall Maria and they had never been this far out before. And Lando found he liked making maps and it helped with how boring the rides are usually.

A red smoke flare went up in the sky.

"A Titan!" Jean said.

"One showed up huh? Be careful!" Connie said.

"Lando, Connie, Jean, Sasha!" Hange ordered. "Go check it out!"

"Yes!" Connie, Jean, and Sasha said.

Lando sighed Hange always loved to send him out when there was a Titan. Not Levi or Mikasa always him.

Lando rode towards the Titan and when he got to a hill overlooking the Titan, there it was with no legs, a huge torso, and arms so little that it couldn't move. There was a line in the ground from where it crawled but it seemed to be done for good, even its mouth was in the earth.

"It's not able to move?" Connie asked.

"With a body like that...it tried to crawl to the wall little by little?" Sasha asked.

"Someone go get Eren over here," Lando said.

"I'll get him," Connie said and rode off.

"Let's get a closer look," Lando told the others.

Lando, Jean, and Sasha got to the Titan up close and it didn't even try to eat them. It didn't move.

Eren eventually made his way over.

Eren looked at Lando who nodded his head and Eren nodded his back. Eren walked up to the Titan and put his hand on it.

"H-Hey!" Floch said.

"It was shipped to Paradis," Eren said. "It's a fellow patriot."

"Is that why it gave up?" Lando thought. "Would a Titan even give up?"

"Let's go. We're close." Eren said.

Eren, Armin, Mikasa, Connie, Jean, and Sasha rode off.

"Hey!" Floch said. "Is it okay to leave it here?! Shouldn't we kill it?!"

"Leave it," Lando said. "Eren said it was a patriot."

"Shit!" Floch said as we realized they were falling behind the rest of the Scouts.

"We'll catch up," Lando said.

The Scouts rode for a while and eventually, they got to what Eren called sand. Lando looked at the sand. It was weird, it seemed like rocks but were grinded into thick dust. The Scouts continued to travel through the sand, and they came up on a wall guarding something from the land.

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