The Battle of Maria

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"Get on your horse we'll storm the city sooner rather than later," Lando said.

Mikasa helped Eren on his horse, ignoring his protest before getting on her own horse.

A few minutes later Erwin held his sword up in the air and slashed down the sign to charge. The Scouts took off at top speed and time wasn't on their side.

"Be on your guard for Titans hiding in the shadows!" Erwin yelled out. "Our operation begins now! All troops switch to ODM gear!"

The first wave of troops followed their orders, flying into the city and securing the left and right side of the wall, next was Levi's Squad.

Lando stood up and after Levi jumped off his horse he did the same, all of the remaining Scouts landed on the wall with their hoods up nobody could identify Jaeger.

Lando took a good look at the city, it was eerie. It was abandoned but everything still looked lived in, it looked frozen in time.

"Head for the outer gate!" Levi yelled out.

Lando ran for the gate with the rest of the Squad.

Armin was running with them before stopping on a dime and staring at the top of the wall for a second before raising his sword.

Enemies were close.

Lando didn't stop with Armin, he and the rest of the Squad jumped off the wall using ODM gear. Each of them flew between each other to the other side of the wall.

Green smoke went up in the sky.

As they got closer Eren took off shooting a hook into the wall before spinning in the air, he cleared the wall and as he was falling down on the other side lighting came from the sky.

Lando landed on the top of the wall overlooking Eren as he transformed, when he did he was already crystal. Lando watched as blue crystal engulfed the wall plugging the hole.

Mikasa was already down there as Eren forced his way out of his Titan, she grabbed him and went up to the top using her ODM gear.

"Don't let your guard down!" Hange yelled out "Keep on the lookout!"

"Eren!" Hange said, "You ok?!"

"I'm fine," Eren said looking at his body. "But I did manage to lose my cloak."

Mikasa took off her cloak and handed it to Eren.

Eren grabbed it and put his hood on.

"Thanks." He said.

Mikasa nodded her head.

Lando was looking down with Levi at the now-plugged hole.

"The hole?!" Levi yelled down at the Scouts.

"Success!" A Scout yelled out, shooting a green flare.

"It's plugged alright!" A Scout on the other side of the wall yelled, before shooting his green flare.

"It worked!" Hange said.

Hanged walked over to Eren.

"You sure you're ok?" Hange asked again, making sure there were no side effects.

"No problems here," Eren said. "I'm ready like we trained."

"We'll head for the inner gate!" Hange ordered. "While we're on the move, remember to hide your faces!"

Some Scouts jumped off the wall using their ODM gear to get to their next positions, Lando with the combined Levi's Squad and the Four Squad (Hange's Squad) ran along the wall.

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